You may have heard of Indigo children. You may have heard that they are somehow very different. While a relatively good amount of attention has recently been given to Indigo (as well as Crystal) children, not much is really known or published about Indigo Adults or Elders. Perhaps this is due to the fact that even though Indigo Adults and Elders have been here for decades, they themselves have not realized who or what they are. As more Indigo Elders and Adults "awake", there is more interest and speculation about their nature and purpose here on Planet Earth.
And, there are more questions: Who are these Indigo Elders, Adults and Children? Do they really exist? Are they really different? How are they different? What unique traits do they possess? Why are they here? Am I one of them? Is the person who I love one of them?
I am an Indigo Elder, born in 1962, and this Article is the first of several that I plan to write on the subject in the hope of reaching others who have incarnated as Indigo Elders and are searching for answers.
Presently, we are nearing the end of the Piscean Age and transiting into the Aquarius Age. Among the experts, there are differences of opinion, debates and discussions as to when the Aquarius Age will actually begin. From my perspective, the actual date or even the actual year does not matter because I am seeing it in the larger scheme of things, and because I feel that a New Age, with all of its shifts and tremendous changes, is nearly upon us.
Like many other Indigo Elders, what I do see is a world that is rapidly changing on all fronts and the rate of change is significantly accelerating as we approach the New Age. In order to "see" the changes that are coming, all one has to do is take an interest in global social trends, environmental events, economics and politics. Anyone can "see" if they only pay attention. However, Indigos were born with this knowledge.
This mention of our evolving world is very simplistic but extremely important when discussing Indigos because it is the very reason why they are here. Indigo Elders were incarnated on Earth to assist in the transformation, or the "great shift" as some call it. They are among the first on the path of human evolution that is beginning to take place. Indigos are remarkably intuitive, extraordinarily sensitive and exceptionally emotionally intense. They possess insights, understandings and knowledge of the world and humanity at the deepest levels. They are fiercely independent, resist authority and separate themselves from "the herd".
The life path of an Indigo Elder is a not always an easy one. Indigos are often gravely misunderstood, ostracized or even outright rejected. Their actions and ideas are often criticized and spurned. Some Indigo Elders themselves do not understand why they feel so different and many experience a crisis when they "awaken" and/or during the transition to Crystal.
However, the Indigo Elder is a beautiful, loving, compassionate Old Soul and the awakened Elder or Adult is usually on the path of Ascension through the process of Lightbody Activation. Many Indigo Elders carry out their mission on Earth through Lightwork.
In Love & Light,
Friday, December 30, 2011
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving
The individuals who are using the Law of Attraction understand that there are three basic steps: Ask, Believe, Receive. At first glance, the Asking and Believing portions appear to perhaps require some secret knowledge and possibly some effort, but the act of Receiving seems rather apparent and effortless. So, why, after an individual has discovered how the Law of Attraction works in practice and has done "all of the right things" in the Asking and Believing steps, is he or she still not Receiving?
Is the act of Receiving a proactive or passive step? Some individuals ascribe to the notion that once you have determined and expressed your wants and desires and have mastered the art of believing by adopting and maintaining a positive attitude and outlook, that all you have to do now is to wait to Receive ~ i.e., the dormant stage of waiting for the "Universe to provide". Others assert that you must make certain that you are ready, willing and able to Receive and specify various rules for how to allow for the event to occur.
In my view, Receiving is very proactive and a part of the process that can be greatly expedited. That is, assuming that you have a clear vision of your desire and have been able to raise, align and maintain your personal vibrational frequency. I can write this with absolute confidence because I know from decades of personal experience that "it" works.
What is this "it" and why am I not calling it a "technique", "method", "system" or "task"? Because "it" is not something that one does out of obligation or for self-serving purposes. Nor is "it" a gimmick or a trick. This "it" is done with an open heart, a genuine interest and concern and a deep desire to contribute in a selfless manner.
This "it" is called "Giving". Giving can take many forms. It can be monetary and, if you are aware and enlightened, then you know that it is usually the people who have the least amount of money that are the ones who give the most of what little they do have to others who are in greater need of it. To that you may think or say "so why is the Law of Attraction not working for them, why are they still in poverty?" The answer is that such a person does not desire money above all else and is blessed in other ways ~ why else would such person voluntarily give away what little they do have?
Other than money, there is the gift of yourself ~ your time (we are all so busy these days!), your understanding, empathy and compassion, your insights and knowledge and your love, respect and goodwill toward all that is alive and living, including the animals, the plants and the planet.
Each of us has something of great value to give. If you would like to Receive, then you must Give. And, following the Universal laws and rules, the more that you do Give (willingly, happily and selflessly) ... the more you will Receive.
The decision of what and how much to Give is strictly personal and may require some practice. If you are not used to Giving, then begin with small things or acts. At first, you may feel trepidatious and struggle with feelings of loss, but once and over time that you experience the act of Giving, you will come to know and feel an elation, an exhilaration that will so greatly increase your personal vibrational frequency to such high levels ... that the Universe will, indeed, respond.
There is an old and tried adage: "what comes around, goes around."
In Light & Love,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret: Asking
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing
Is the act of Receiving a proactive or passive step? Some individuals ascribe to the notion that once you have determined and expressed your wants and desires and have mastered the art of believing by adopting and maintaining a positive attitude and outlook, that all you have to do now is to wait to Receive ~ i.e., the dormant stage of waiting for the "Universe to provide". Others assert that you must make certain that you are ready, willing and able to Receive and specify various rules for how to allow for the event to occur.
In my view, Receiving is very proactive and a part of the process that can be greatly expedited. That is, assuming that you have a clear vision of your desire and have been able to raise, align and maintain your personal vibrational frequency. I can write this with absolute confidence because I know from decades of personal experience that "it" works.
What is this "it" and why am I not calling it a "technique", "method", "system" or "task"? Because "it" is not something that one does out of obligation or for self-serving purposes. Nor is "it" a gimmick or a trick. This "it" is done with an open heart, a genuine interest and concern and a deep desire to contribute in a selfless manner.
This "it" is called "Giving". Giving can take many forms. It can be monetary and, if you are aware and enlightened, then you know that it is usually the people who have the least amount of money that are the ones who give the most of what little they do have to others who are in greater need of it. To that you may think or say "so why is the Law of Attraction not working for them, why are they still in poverty?" The answer is that such a person does not desire money above all else and is blessed in other ways ~ why else would such person voluntarily give away what little they do have?
Other than money, there is the gift of yourself ~ your time (we are all so busy these days!), your understanding, empathy and compassion, your insights and knowledge and your love, respect and goodwill toward all that is alive and living, including the animals, the plants and the planet.
Each of us has something of great value to give. If you would like to Receive, then you must Give. And, following the Universal laws and rules, the more that you do Give (willingly, happily and selflessly) ... the more you will Receive.
The decision of what and how much to Give is strictly personal and may require some practice. If you are not used to Giving, then begin with small things or acts. At first, you may feel trepidatious and struggle with feelings of loss, but once and over time that you experience the act of Giving, you will come to know and feel an elation, an exhilaration that will so greatly increase your personal vibrational frequency to such high levels ... that the Universe will, indeed, respond.
There is an old and tried adage: "what comes around, goes around."
In Light & Love,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret: Asking
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing
There are three steps to the Law of Attraction: Ask, Believe, Receive. It sounds very simple, and yet when it comes to actually putting the steps into practice, many people have difficulties, leaving them wondering what the "real secret" is. This is evidenced by all of the online and local study groups, endless books of instruction and various products that are on the market to assist one in making it work. To me, the Law of Attraction is as simple as it sounds. In an earlier post, I covered the first step ~ Asking. In this post, I will discuss my personal approach to the second step: Believing.
About Staying in the Positive At All Times ...
Many people are under the impression that in order for the Law of Attraction to work, they must stay in a positive frame of mind at all times. In my view, this is a really high bar to set for oneself and, in doing so, the individual sets himself or herself up for perceived or actual failure. We live in an economically, socially, politically, environmentally and spiritually fast-paced, challenged and troubled world. There are many things that touch our lives every day that are beyond the scope of our control and that affect our thoughts which, in turn, shape our feelings.
No matter how conscientious one is about maintaining positive thoughts constantly, the negative thought (and associated feeling) will inevitably creep in. When it does, the individual may become worried, stressed-out or even fearful that they will manifest negative things as a result of this negative thought. It is this worry, stress and fear that will attract negative things if it is allowed to linger, persist or fester, not the (ideally "fleeting") negative thought itself.
It is important to realize this and, when a negative thought occurs, not to dwell on it and not to chastise yourself for it. It is this dwelling and punishing oneself that gives the negative thought its power. Accept the fact that it has happened, that you cannot take it back and it is already part of the irretrievable past.
But more importantly do not think of being required to have perfectly positive thoughts at all times in the first place! You are human and part of the true beauty of being human is being imperfect. Even the most spiritually evolved individuals have negative thoughts.
Gratitude, mantras and affirmations are widely suggested to help one stay on a positive course. These are all very effective techniques, but I believe the most potent approach involves developing and maintaining a healthy amount of self-esteem, self-love and acceptance, and confidence. Feeling good about yourself automatically raises your vibrational energy which radiates out through your aura field. An energy vibrating at a higher, "lighter" and more positive frequency naturally attracts similarly higher and more positive energies ~ which translates into the actual manifestation of one's wishes and desires.
Persons who, at their core, do not really feel good about themselves and who suffer from low self-esteem, self-doubts or a lack self-respect, invariably and quite unintentionally send out a dense, dispirited and negative vibrational energy. Although various techniques and aids may temporarily raise the vibrational energy of such a person, if the individual does not have a good, solid foundation of self-worth and self-regard, such higher vibrational episodes are tentative, difficult to sustain and take much effort.
The goal is for the higher vibrational energy to be an automatic, naturally occuring, and an ongoing experience. And, the way to get there is to develop a strong, healthy sense of self-purpose and self-assuredness. One of the easiest things one can do in this regard is to simply take better care of themselves - eating healthfully, exercising regularly, getting enough rest and sleep and enjoying themselves. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine!
For some, the process may involve healing past or recent emotional wounds and this should be addressed as a top priority. The person who suffers from depression, despondency or pessimism, or who lives with fear, a substance addiction, a heavy heart, a burdened soul or an injured inner child, will find the Law of Attraction laborious and difficult. Aside from seeking appropriate help, making a concerted effort to care for oneself on both the physical and emotional level helps in the healing process, strengthens the individual and empowers the principles of the laws of positive attraction.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret: Asking
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving
About Staying in the Positive At All Times ...
Many people are under the impression that in order for the Law of Attraction to work, they must stay in a positive frame of mind at all times. In my view, this is a really high bar to set for oneself and, in doing so, the individual sets himself or herself up for perceived or actual failure. We live in an economically, socially, politically, environmentally and spiritually fast-paced, challenged and troubled world. There are many things that touch our lives every day that are beyond the scope of our control and that affect our thoughts which, in turn, shape our feelings.
No matter how conscientious one is about maintaining positive thoughts constantly, the negative thought (and associated feeling) will inevitably creep in. When it does, the individual may become worried, stressed-out or even fearful that they will manifest negative things as a result of this negative thought. It is this worry, stress and fear that will attract negative things if it is allowed to linger, persist or fester, not the (ideally "fleeting") negative thought itself.
It is important to realize this and, when a negative thought occurs, not to dwell on it and not to chastise yourself for it. It is this dwelling and punishing oneself that gives the negative thought its power. Accept the fact that it has happened, that you cannot take it back and it is already part of the irretrievable past.
But more importantly do not think of being required to have perfectly positive thoughts at all times in the first place! You are human and part of the true beauty of being human is being imperfect. Even the most spiritually evolved individuals have negative thoughts.
Gratitude, mantras and affirmations are widely suggested to help one stay on a positive course. These are all very effective techniques, but I believe the most potent approach involves developing and maintaining a healthy amount of self-esteem, self-love and acceptance, and confidence. Feeling good about yourself automatically raises your vibrational energy which radiates out through your aura field. An energy vibrating at a higher, "lighter" and more positive frequency naturally attracts similarly higher and more positive energies ~ which translates into the actual manifestation of one's wishes and desires.
Persons who, at their core, do not really feel good about themselves and who suffer from low self-esteem, self-doubts or a lack self-respect, invariably and quite unintentionally send out a dense, dispirited and negative vibrational energy. Although various techniques and aids may temporarily raise the vibrational energy of such a person, if the individual does not have a good, solid foundation of self-worth and self-regard, such higher vibrational episodes are tentative, difficult to sustain and take much effort.
The goal is for the higher vibrational energy to be an automatic, naturally occuring, and an ongoing experience. And, the way to get there is to develop a strong, healthy sense of self-purpose and self-assuredness. One of the easiest things one can do in this regard is to simply take better care of themselves - eating healthfully, exercising regularly, getting enough rest and sleep and enjoying themselves. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine!
For some, the process may involve healing past or recent emotional wounds and this should be addressed as a top priority. The person who suffers from depression, despondency or pessimism, or who lives with fear, a substance addiction, a heavy heart, a burdened soul or an injured inner child, will find the Law of Attraction laborious and difficult. Aside from seeking appropriate help, making a concerted effort to care for oneself on both the physical and emotional level helps in the healing process, strengthens the individual and empowers the principles of the laws of positive attraction.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret: Asking
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret: Asking
The principle of the Law of Attraction is simple: Ask, Believe, Receive. So, why has it evolved into such a precise science? Why do so many people seemingly have so much trouble harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction? What is the "real" secret? This is my personal approach to living and thriving in abundance. In this post I will cover the first aspect of making it work: Asking.
In the "asking" stage, many people make the first mistake right at the very first step ~ without even realizing it. Everyone has desires and dreams, but when asked to formulate them in a specific request, many individuals, surprisingly, have trouble doing so. It is essential to know exactly what you want and to express it in those terms. Vagueness does not work. If you cannot define your desires, the Universe does not know what to give you!
Thus, for example, simply thinking that "I want more money" is not precise enough. The Universe does not know just how much you want or need ~ so how can it give it to you? It is like saying to your partner "I want more sex." Without telling him or her more, your partner does not know if that means two, five or ten times more per month, per week or per day nor does he or she know when, where or how you expect to receive it.
So, it is extremely important that you are very clear on what, exactly, you want and to define how much you want and/or in what form you want it. It is also very helpful to be definite about your purpose for wanting it and where you would like it to come from. Thus, for example, if you want more sex, do you want it with a particular person or will anyone do?
One of the most effective methods of determining and defining your exact desires is by writing them down. You may be surprised that this is sometimes more difficult than it first seems. This is often the case for several reasons.
First of all, many people are not used to the idea of making specific requests for certain things. They may perceive their request to be too fantastic, extravagant or outlandish. They look at their current circumstances and feel convinced that the request is beyond the scope of their individual reality. They are fearful or reluctant of asking for "too much" or for things that they reason they could "never really have" because of their present position or status in life.
Secondly, some people may feel embarassed about the nature of their request. They may consider their deepest desires to be peculiar, excessive or in some other way inapproriate and may not be comfortable with verbalizing or expressing them.
Finally, some people feel that they are undeserving of whatever it is they really want. They feel that they are not worthy of such gifts or they may worry about appearing to be greedy, egotistical, foolish or delusional.
Although these types of worries, trepidations and skepticism are relatively common, they need to be resolved if the Law of Attraction is going to work. Many experts think that these matters are appropriately addressed in the "Believe" stage. Personally, I think they need to be dealt with before the request is even made and then maintained through the "Believe" stage.
A journal or diary is indispensable in resolving these types of issues. It can be a fancy, leather-bound blank book, a locking diary or a plain notebook. The only real requirement is that is kept private. This is vital. Even if you think you may not mind if others read it, the truth is that if you think someone else may read it, you will probably not be as open and honest in writing down your innermost thoughts and feelings ~ thus, defeating the purpose of the exercise.
There are no set rules or requirements as to what, when or how often you should write in the journal or diary. However, it is helpful if you set aside some quiet time and do so on a fairly regular basis and begin by writing down one of your dreams or desires and then record how you really feel about it and why. You should not worry about making spelling or grammatical errors, being neat or even making a lot of sense at first. With practice, writing from the heart becomes easier and feels more natural.
Drawing, doodling, pasting pictures or photographs, inspirational text or quotations, or anything else of that nature may also be helpful. The important thing is to keep it honest and private and make it fun.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving
In the "asking" stage, many people make the first mistake right at the very first step ~ without even realizing it. Everyone has desires and dreams, but when asked to formulate them in a specific request, many individuals, surprisingly, have trouble doing so. It is essential to know exactly what you want and to express it in those terms. Vagueness does not work. If you cannot define your desires, the Universe does not know what to give you!
Thus, for example, simply thinking that "I want more money" is not precise enough. The Universe does not know just how much you want or need ~ so how can it give it to you? It is like saying to your partner "I want more sex." Without telling him or her more, your partner does not know if that means two, five or ten times more per month, per week or per day nor does he or she know when, where or how you expect to receive it.
So, it is extremely important that you are very clear on what, exactly, you want and to define how much you want and/or in what form you want it. It is also very helpful to be definite about your purpose for wanting it and where you would like it to come from. Thus, for example, if you want more sex, do you want it with a particular person or will anyone do?
One of the most effective methods of determining and defining your exact desires is by writing them down. You may be surprised that this is sometimes more difficult than it first seems. This is often the case for several reasons.
First of all, many people are not used to the idea of making specific requests for certain things. They may perceive their request to be too fantastic, extravagant or outlandish. They look at their current circumstances and feel convinced that the request is beyond the scope of their individual reality. They are fearful or reluctant of asking for "too much" or for things that they reason they could "never really have" because of their present position or status in life.
Secondly, some people may feel embarassed about the nature of their request. They may consider their deepest desires to be peculiar, excessive or in some other way inapproriate and may not be comfortable with verbalizing or expressing them.
Finally, some people feel that they are undeserving of whatever it is they really want. They feel that they are not worthy of such gifts or they may worry about appearing to be greedy, egotistical, foolish or delusional.
Although these types of worries, trepidations and skepticism are relatively common, they need to be resolved if the Law of Attraction is going to work. Many experts think that these matters are appropriately addressed in the "Believe" stage. Personally, I think they need to be dealt with before the request is even made and then maintained through the "Believe" stage.
A journal or diary is indispensable in resolving these types of issues. It can be a fancy, leather-bound blank book, a locking diary or a plain notebook. The only real requirement is that is kept private. This is vital. Even if you think you may not mind if others read it, the truth is that if you think someone else may read it, you will probably not be as open and honest in writing down your innermost thoughts and feelings ~ thus, defeating the purpose of the exercise.
There are no set rules or requirements as to what, when or how often you should write in the journal or diary. However, it is helpful if you set aside some quiet time and do so on a fairly regular basis and begin by writing down one of your dreams or desires and then record how you really feel about it and why. You should not worry about making spelling or grammatical errors, being neat or even making a lot of sense at first. With practice, writing from the heart becomes easier and feels more natural.
Drawing, doodling, pasting pictures or photographs, inspirational text or quotations, or anything else of that nature may also be helpful. The important thing is to keep it honest and private and make it fun.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving
Monday, December 26, 2011
Numerology: Number Three Personality Traits, Characteristics, Challenges
In numerology, your date of birth and your name is associated with certain compound and single digit numbers. This article explores the personality traits, characteristics and challenges that are correlated to the single digit Number Three (3).
The concept of Three has been observed by mankind as being significant in the manner in which we perceive, understand, relate to and organize our reality. For example, we measure time in terms of three tenses: past, present and future. We perceive space (i.e., our world and reality) in a three-dimensional manner (length x height x width). We classify matter into three states: solids, liquids and gasses. We think of a group (of people, things) as consisting of three or more and the family as being composed of the father, mother and child.
Since time immemorial, the Three (often referred to as a Triad) has been particularly powerful in religion, mythology, folklore, philosophy, and alchemy. We see the concept of three related dieties or the three aspects of one diety, spirit or the divine in the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), the Indian Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva and the Brahman-Atman-Moksha Triads, the Chinese Tao-Te-Chi as well as the Three Jewels of Chinese Buddhism, the Shamantic Spirit-Man-Nature Triad, the Pagan/Wiccan Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone), the New Age Body-Mind-Spirit, the Classical Greek Three Fates, the ancient Egyptian Memphis and Theban Triads, as well as Osiris-Horus-Isis and Shu-Nut-Geb.
The universal graphic symbol for the Number Three is the triangle - the first polygon (or the first closed form drawn from three single lines). The single, upright triangle represents the masculine energy and the element of fire. The single, inverted triangle (similar to the shape of a chalice) represents the femine energy and the element of water.
The equilateral triangle is considered a balanced, harmonious form and represents higher powers and perfection. Two equaliteral triangles, depending upon their arrangement, form a perfect square, a rhombus and a hexagram. The rhombus is a diamond-shaped figure and has been associated with the concept of "As Above, So Below" with the upper triangle denoting the sphere of Spirit and the lower triangle denoting the sphere of matter. The hexagram is a six-pointed star which has been considered to represent God's rule over the universe, with the six points representing each of the six directions. In a religious context, the hexagram is most famously known as the Star or Shield of David and is most commonly associated with Judiasm.
The Number Three is thought to combine the vibrational qualities of both the solitary One and the dual Two. The Three is thought to give expression to the manifested One and to resolve the opposing forces present in the Two, thereby offering a third harmonized and balanced solution.
Thus, in both ancient and modern numerology, we think of a person whose birthdate or name reveals the numeral Three as being a person who is versitile, multi-talented, productive, communicative, expressive, artistic and creative. Such a person is optomistic, enthusiastic, popular, articulate and entertaining, freedom and fun loving. The Number Three is masculine in nature and the Number Three individual usually has strong ambitions and desires to succeed in positions of authority. Number Three persons are usually talented speakers, writers and singers.
While the developed Number Three individual is generally cheerful, friendly, humorous, confident and hard-working, the underdeveloped Number Three person can be moody, indecisive, vain, pessimistic, boastful, dictatorial and self-indulgent.
The Number Three individual has very similar challenges as both the Number One and the Number Two individual. The Number Three person has many inherent talents and interests but can become scattered if s/he is not able to develop one or two talents or interests in a meaningful way. This individual is also generally very charismatic, extroverted, exuberant and prone to being overly dramatic. This may cause him or her to appear to be, or actually be, superficial, shallow and unreliable.
In Love & Light,
The concept of Three has been observed by mankind as being significant in the manner in which we perceive, understand, relate to and organize our reality. For example, we measure time in terms of three tenses: past, present and future. We perceive space (i.e., our world and reality) in a three-dimensional manner (length x height x width). We classify matter into three states: solids, liquids and gasses. We think of a group (of people, things) as consisting of three or more and the family as being composed of the father, mother and child.
Since time immemorial, the Three (often referred to as a Triad) has been particularly powerful in religion, mythology, folklore, philosophy, and alchemy. We see the concept of three related dieties or the three aspects of one diety, spirit or the divine in the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), the Indian Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva and the Brahman-Atman-Moksha Triads, the Chinese Tao-Te-Chi as well as the Three Jewels of Chinese Buddhism, the Shamantic Spirit-Man-Nature Triad, the Pagan/Wiccan Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone), the New Age Body-Mind-Spirit, the Classical Greek Three Fates, the ancient Egyptian Memphis and Theban Triads, as well as Osiris-Horus-Isis and Shu-Nut-Geb.
The universal graphic symbol for the Number Three is the triangle - the first polygon (or the first closed form drawn from three single lines). The single, upright triangle represents the masculine energy and the element of fire. The single, inverted triangle (similar to the shape of a chalice) represents the femine energy and the element of water.
The equilateral triangle is considered a balanced, harmonious form and represents higher powers and perfection. Two equaliteral triangles, depending upon their arrangement, form a perfect square, a rhombus and a hexagram. The rhombus is a diamond-shaped figure and has been associated with the concept of "As Above, So Below" with the upper triangle denoting the sphere of Spirit and the lower triangle denoting the sphere of matter. The hexagram is a six-pointed star which has been considered to represent God's rule over the universe, with the six points representing each of the six directions. In a religious context, the hexagram is most famously known as the Star or Shield of David and is most commonly associated with Judiasm.
The Number Three is thought to combine the vibrational qualities of both the solitary One and the dual Two. The Three is thought to give expression to the manifested One and to resolve the opposing forces present in the Two, thereby offering a third harmonized and balanced solution.
Thus, in both ancient and modern numerology, we think of a person whose birthdate or name reveals the numeral Three as being a person who is versitile, multi-talented, productive, communicative, expressive, artistic and creative. Such a person is optomistic, enthusiastic, popular, articulate and entertaining, freedom and fun loving. The Number Three is masculine in nature and the Number Three individual usually has strong ambitions and desires to succeed in positions of authority. Number Three persons are usually talented speakers, writers and singers.
While the developed Number Three individual is generally cheerful, friendly, humorous, confident and hard-working, the underdeveloped Number Three person can be moody, indecisive, vain, pessimistic, boastful, dictatorial and self-indulgent.
The Number Three individual has very similar challenges as both the Number One and the Number Two individual. The Number Three person has many inherent talents and interests but can become scattered if s/he is not able to develop one or two talents or interests in a meaningful way. This individual is also generally very charismatic, extroverted, exuberant and prone to being overly dramatic. This may cause him or her to appear to be, or actually be, superficial, shallow and unreliable.
In Love & Light,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Numerology: Number Two Personality Traits, Characteristics, Challenges
In numerology, your date of birth and your name is associated with certain compound and single digit numbers. This article explores the personality traits, characteristics and challenges that are correlated to the single digit Number Two (2).
In some of the earliest written numeral systems, the number Two was graphically represented as 2 ones ~ as 2 vertical lines (Roman, Egyptian Hieratic numerals), as 2 horizontal lines (Brahmi, Suzhou, Chinese and Japanese numerals) or as 2 dots (Mayan numerals).
The number Two (as the result of 1 + 1 = 2) is thought to represent both unity and duality. Thus, in effect, the number Two symbolizes the joining of two individual opposing forces that are the basis of all existence as there cannot be the one without the other. Examples of this duality include: male/female, positive/negative, right/left, creation/destruction, birth/death, white/black, light/dark, fire/water, above/below, Heaven/Hell, etc.
This concept is beautifully and effectively expressed in the Yin Yang Symbol ~ in which the two opposite energies are contained equally within the infinte circle and within each energy is the dot representing the opposite energy.
The number Two is also mathematically interesting because it is the only single-digit number that lacks distinction when added to itself or multiplied by itself ~ in both processes, the result (4) is the same. This is not true with any of the other numbers:
The Number Two is considered as being the link between the conscious emergence of the Ego (represented as the solitary One) and diverse multitude of all of the other numbers (represented by the number 3 and greater). If we think of all matter as having spirit and as spirit being in all matter, the Number Two is complete in its nature and lacks nothing essential of the whole. It is the perfect pair, the couple, the duo, the duet, the duad and the dyad.
Thus, in both ancient and modern numerology, we think of a person whose birthdate or name reveals the numeral Two as being a person who seeks harmony, balance and union of the two distinctive parts in partnership. Such a person is sociable, charming, cooperative, agreeable, tactful, patient, gracious, understanding, intuitive and sensitive ~ a diplomat, an ambassador of goodwill, a mediator, an artist and healer who is detail-oriented and aware of the nature of opposites and seeks to harmonize and unify them. The Number Two energy is feminine and emotional in nature with a maternal, nurturing aspect, and Number Two individuals are usually followers or equal partners rather than leaders.
While the developed Number Two individual can be very compassionate, peaceful, considerate, receptive and objective, the underdeveloped Number Two individual can be insecure, indecisive, overly sensitive, subservient, co-dependent, inconsiderate and uncooperative.
The challenges for the Number Two individual generally lie in finding and maintaining a balance in the opposing forces that the Number Two embodies. Once this balance is harnessed, the Number Two individual, who seeks unity and not separateness, is the perfect partner in any type of business partnership or personal relationship.
In Love & Light,
In some of the earliest written numeral systems, the number Two was graphically represented as 2 ones ~ as 2 vertical lines (Roman, Egyptian Hieratic numerals), as 2 horizontal lines (Brahmi, Suzhou, Chinese and Japanese numerals) or as 2 dots (Mayan numerals).
The number Two (as the result of 1 + 1 = 2) is thought to represent both unity and duality. Thus, in effect, the number Two symbolizes the joining of two individual opposing forces that are the basis of all existence as there cannot be the one without the other. Examples of this duality include: male/female, positive/negative, right/left, creation/destruction, birth/death, white/black, light/dark, fire/water, above/below, Heaven/Hell, etc.
This concept is beautifully and effectively expressed in the Yin Yang Symbol ~ in which the two opposite energies are contained equally within the infinte circle and within each energy is the dot representing the opposite energy.
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Traditional Yin-Yang Symbol |
1 + 1 = 2 1 x 1 = 1
2 + 2 = 4 2 x 2 = 4
3 + 3 = 6 3 x 3 = 9
4 + 4 = 8 4 x 4 = 16
5 + 5 = 10 5 x 5 = 25
6 + 6 = 12 6 x 6 = 36
7 + 7 = 14 7 x 7 = 49
8 + 8 = 16 8 x 8 = 64
9 + 9 = 18 9 x 9 = 81
Thus, in both ancient and modern numerology, we think of a person whose birthdate or name reveals the numeral Two as being a person who seeks harmony, balance and union of the two distinctive parts in partnership. Such a person is sociable, charming, cooperative, agreeable, tactful, patient, gracious, understanding, intuitive and sensitive ~ a diplomat, an ambassador of goodwill, a mediator, an artist and healer who is detail-oriented and aware of the nature of opposites and seeks to harmonize and unify them. The Number Two energy is feminine and emotional in nature with a maternal, nurturing aspect, and Number Two individuals are usually followers or equal partners rather than leaders.
While the developed Number Two individual can be very compassionate, peaceful, considerate, receptive and objective, the underdeveloped Number Two individual can be insecure, indecisive, overly sensitive, subservient, co-dependent, inconsiderate and uncooperative.
The challenges for the Number Two individual generally lie in finding and maintaining a balance in the opposing forces that the Number Two embodies. Once this balance is harnessed, the Number Two individual, who seeks unity and not separateness, is the perfect partner in any type of business partnership or personal relationship.
In Love & Light,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Playing (Destiny) Cards: Seasons and Suits: Spring and Hearts
Suits play a central role in the Playing (Destiny) Card divination system. The four suits (Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades) represent the four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall) and Winter), respectively. The unique characteristics of each season are associated to the corresponding suit. This article explores Spring and Hearts in general and in the Playing (Destiny) Card divination system.
Spring ...
Spring is the first season and ushers in warmer weather, longer and sunnier days, rains and showers. During this time of the year, nature seems to "spring to life" ~ certain plants and animals come out of hibernation, flowers bloom, trees and plants grow new leaves, many animals bear their young. Everything seems fresh and new ~ it is a time of birth and rebirth, growth and regrowth, restoration, replenishment and renewal.
However, this revitalization is not limited to the processes taking place in nature during Spring ~ it is also an important conceptual part of the human psyche, signifying spiritual rebirth, including the Christian and pagan associations with death and resurrection.
Spring is also a fertile period during which certain animals mate and seeds of many crops are sown. Hence, Spring has long been considered a sensual period by humans, a time for love and romance ~ as evidenced by the many artistic works and poems, songs, essays that have been produced throughout the ages.
For all of these reasons, ancient and modern cultures around the world have and continue to rejoice the return of Spring, marking and celebrating the occasion with joyful ceremonies and colorful festivals.
Finally, it should be noted that March 21 is the beginning of the western astrological calendar: with the first sign, Aries (ruled by Mars) from 3/21 to 4/19, the second sign, Taurus (ruled by Venus) from 4/20 to 5/20 and the third sign, Gemini (ruled by Mercury) from 5/21 to 6/20.
Hearts ...
The Heart is, of course, the universal and primary symbol for the concept of Love, whether that be romantic love, familial love, brotherly love, neighborly or community love, love of nature or otherwise. By extension, the Heart also symbolizes emotions ~ the whole Heart, by itself, signifies a positive emotion, while the Heart, represented as two halves, signifies a negative emotion, i.e., a broken heart ~ sadness, sorrow, emotional pain.
On a deeper level, the Heart (sometimes represented in its simplied form as an an inverted triangle) has also long been considered to be at the very center of both the physical and the spiritual being. To that end, the Heart has been closely linked with and symbolizes the Soul, as well as the dwelling place or home of the Divine. This is evidenced by the prominent use of the Heart symbol in various religions, faiths, cults, sects and spiritual societies the world over.
In the Tarot Card divination system, Hearts are often represented as cups, chalices, goblets or vases. This representation is derived from the Heart being considered to be a receptacle of love and spirit. It is also interesting to note that the Heart is the first organ that forms in the human Embryo.
The Playing (Destiny) Card System ...
It is no wonder then that the first suit of the Playing (Destiny) Cards divination system should be the Hearts and that the Hearts correspondent to the first season of the year, Spring. The connections are immediately obvious.
Individuals born on a date to which one of the cards of the Heart suit is assigned are, within the system, generally considered to be the youngsters (the "Young at Heart") of the deck, with a novel, original and fresh perspective on the different aspects of life. These individuals may have a certain innocence and vulnerability about them and are usually sensitive, caring, affectionate, loving, loyal and attentive. They tend to be idealistic, intuitive, creative, clever and artistic. They express themselves principally through powerful emotions which they may, at times need to learn to control, lest they suffer from extreme selfishness, self-centeredness, envy and jealousy, antipathy and other such negative and destructive emotions.
In a Playing (Destiny) Card spread, whenever a card of the Hearts suit appears, it usually signifies love, romance, affairs, emotions/feelings, associations/dealings with others, relationships of all types (spouses, lovers, friends, family members, partners, co-workers, etc.) and/or certain matters/events relating to love, romance, associations and relationships.
Although the suit of a particular card gives us, in at of itself, lots of information about an individual or a particular situation, there are other important components in the Playing (Destiny Card) system that must also be considered in reading the cards, such as the number of the card. These topics will be covered in future posts.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
The Playing (Destiny) Card System and the Calendar
Playing (Destiny) Cards - Suits and Seasons
Spring ...
Spring is the first season and ushers in warmer weather, longer and sunnier days, rains and showers. During this time of the year, nature seems to "spring to life" ~ certain plants and animals come out of hibernation, flowers bloom, trees and plants grow new leaves, many animals bear their young. Everything seems fresh and new ~ it is a time of birth and rebirth, growth and regrowth, restoration, replenishment and renewal.
However, this revitalization is not limited to the processes taking place in nature during Spring ~ it is also an important conceptual part of the human psyche, signifying spiritual rebirth, including the Christian and pagan associations with death and resurrection.
Spring is also a fertile period during which certain animals mate and seeds of many crops are sown. Hence, Spring has long been considered a sensual period by humans, a time for love and romance ~ as evidenced by the many artistic works and poems, songs, essays that have been produced throughout the ages.
For all of these reasons, ancient and modern cultures around the world have and continue to rejoice the return of Spring, marking and celebrating the occasion with joyful ceremonies and colorful festivals.
Finally, it should be noted that March 21 is the beginning of the western astrological calendar: with the first sign, Aries (ruled by Mars) from 3/21 to 4/19, the second sign, Taurus (ruled by Venus) from 4/20 to 5/20 and the third sign, Gemini (ruled by Mercury) from 5/21 to 6/20.
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"My Gemini Hearts" by Angelika |
The Heart is, of course, the universal and primary symbol for the concept of Love, whether that be romantic love, familial love, brotherly love, neighborly or community love, love of nature or otherwise. By extension, the Heart also symbolizes emotions ~ the whole Heart, by itself, signifies a positive emotion, while the Heart, represented as two halves, signifies a negative emotion, i.e., a broken heart ~ sadness, sorrow, emotional pain.
On a deeper level, the Heart (sometimes represented in its simplied form as an an inverted triangle) has also long been considered to be at the very center of both the physical and the spiritual being. To that end, the Heart has been closely linked with and symbolizes the Soul, as well as the dwelling place or home of the Divine. This is evidenced by the prominent use of the Heart symbol in various religions, faiths, cults, sects and spiritual societies the world over.
In the Tarot Card divination system, Hearts are often represented as cups, chalices, goblets or vases. This representation is derived from the Heart being considered to be a receptacle of love and spirit. It is also interesting to note that the Heart is the first organ that forms in the human Embryo.
The Playing (Destiny) Card System ...
It is no wonder then that the first suit of the Playing (Destiny) Cards divination system should be the Hearts and that the Hearts correspondent to the first season of the year, Spring. The connections are immediately obvious.
Individuals born on a date to which one of the cards of the Heart suit is assigned are, within the system, generally considered to be the youngsters (the "Young at Heart") of the deck, with a novel, original and fresh perspective on the different aspects of life. These individuals may have a certain innocence and vulnerability about them and are usually sensitive, caring, affectionate, loving, loyal and attentive. They tend to be idealistic, intuitive, creative, clever and artistic. They express themselves principally through powerful emotions which they may, at times need to learn to control, lest they suffer from extreme selfishness, self-centeredness, envy and jealousy, antipathy and other such negative and destructive emotions.
In a Playing (Destiny) Card spread, whenever a card of the Hearts suit appears, it usually signifies love, romance, affairs, emotions/feelings, associations/dealings with others, relationships of all types (spouses, lovers, friends, family members, partners, co-workers, etc.) and/or certain matters/events relating to love, romance, associations and relationships.
Although the suit of a particular card gives us, in at of itself, lots of information about an individual or a particular situation, there are other important components in the Playing (Destiny Card) system that must also be considered in reading the cards, such as the number of the card. These topics will be covered in future posts.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
The Playing (Destiny) Card System and the Calendar
Playing (Destiny) Cards - Suits and Seasons
Destiny Cards,
Heart Symbol,
Playing Cards,
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
My Spiritual Journey and Witchcraft: Discovering Past Life as a "Witch"
Throughout my life, starting when I was just a little girl, I heard things like "you are a witch", "you must be some kind of witch" "what are you, a witch?" These remarks sometimes came with a smile, other times with a scowl, but always after something that I had talked about actually happened and was observed by another.
Having been called a witch enough times when I was still so little, I wanted to know what being a "witch" meant. Certainly I knew that I was not practicing witchcraft ~ i.e., I was not then actively and consciously engaged in casting spells and following any of the Wiccan rituals I had later read about. But, was it possible that I was practicing witchcraft on some subliminal level?
Once I started reading all about witches, sorcery, magic (magick), paganism and the occult, I was fascinated and something about the entire subject really resonated with me. That was actually not a surprise because I was always keenly interested in herbs, oils, gems, crystals, the stars, the elements, correspondences and so forth. But, did this mean that I was "witch" or a "Wiccan"?
This led to a period of intense experimentation with spells, rites and rituals that I had read about or that I devised myself. What I learned was that all of this came very naturally to me. What I also realized was that I had some sort of innate talent in these matters. And, finally, what I discovered is that magic (magick) was a very powerful "tool".
Hence, about 35 years ago, I concluded that I had some sort of a connection to all of this, but it was not until about 25 years ago that I discovered a past life that provided the explanation.
The discovery came to me during my extensive travels throughout Europe. In visiting certain old castles, cathedrals, churches and ruins, I sometimes felt a great deal of discomfort. Other times, my body seemed to fill with the kind of warmth, joy and profound feelings of familiarity that one feels when returning home. And, then there were those times, that these visits resulted in sudden and unexpected violent physical reactions ~ as was the case when I came into close proximity of antique instruments of torture.
It was at this time that I began to have some very strange dreams and that a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum (also known as the "Witch Hammer" or the "Witch Hunter's Bible"), the infamous treatise on witchcraft written in 1486, somehow practically landed in my lap. As I began to read it, I began to have terrifying nightmares ~ often waking in the middle of the night in a sweat and state of confusion.
After months of suffering through extreme physical and emotional discomfort, it suddenly dawned on me: I had lived during the Burning Times and been accused of witchcraft in a previous life. But, did this mean I was a "witch" then? No, I was a healer or had something (like property) that someone else wanted ~ like most of those accused.
Am I a "witch" now? I do not readily accept that label with all of its negative connotations but will attempt to answer that question in another post. For now, I say that I simply have a heightened sensitivity to nature, certain energies and other things "unseen" in this dimension and, consequently, I am able to work with these energies more effectively than incarnates who lack this sensitivity.
I have provided a link to the Malleus Maleficarum but I must warn you that it is a very difficult read ~ particularly for a sensitive, spiritual or intuitive soul.
In Love & Light,
Having been called a witch enough times when I was still so little, I wanted to know what being a "witch" meant. Certainly I knew that I was not practicing witchcraft ~ i.e., I was not then actively and consciously engaged in casting spells and following any of the Wiccan rituals I had later read about. But, was it possible that I was practicing witchcraft on some subliminal level?
Once I started reading all about witches, sorcery, magic (magick), paganism and the occult, I was fascinated and something about the entire subject really resonated with me. That was actually not a surprise because I was always keenly interested in herbs, oils, gems, crystals, the stars, the elements, correspondences and so forth. But, did this mean that I was "witch" or a "Wiccan"?
This led to a period of intense experimentation with spells, rites and rituals that I had read about or that I devised myself. What I learned was that all of this came very naturally to me. What I also realized was that I had some sort of innate talent in these matters. And, finally, what I discovered is that magic (magick) was a very powerful "tool".
Hence, about 35 years ago, I concluded that I had some sort of a connection to all of this, but it was not until about 25 years ago that I discovered a past life that provided the explanation.
The discovery came to me during my extensive travels throughout Europe. In visiting certain old castles, cathedrals, churches and ruins, I sometimes felt a great deal of discomfort. Other times, my body seemed to fill with the kind of warmth, joy and profound feelings of familiarity that one feels when returning home. And, then there were those times, that these visits resulted in sudden and unexpected violent physical reactions ~ as was the case when I came into close proximity of antique instruments of torture.
It was at this time that I began to have some very strange dreams and that a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum (also known as the "Witch Hammer" or the "Witch Hunter's Bible"), the infamous treatise on witchcraft written in 1486, somehow practically landed in my lap. As I began to read it, I began to have terrifying nightmares ~ often waking in the middle of the night in a sweat and state of confusion.
After months of suffering through extreme physical and emotional discomfort, it suddenly dawned on me: I had lived during the Burning Times and been accused of witchcraft in a previous life. But, did this mean I was a "witch" then? No, I was a healer or had something (like property) that someone else wanted ~ like most of those accused.
Am I a "witch" now? I do not readily accept that label with all of its negative connotations but will attempt to answer that question in another post. For now, I say that I simply have a heightened sensitivity to nature, certain energies and other things "unseen" in this dimension and, consequently, I am able to work with these energies more effectively than incarnates who lack this sensitivity.
I have provided a link to the Malleus Maleficarum but I must warn you that it is a very difficult read ~ particularly for a sensitive, spiritual or intuitive soul.
In Love & Light,
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Numerology: Number One Personality Traits, Characteristics, Challenges
In numerology, your date of birth and your name is associated with certain compound and single digit numbers. This article explores the personality traits, characteristics and challenges that are correlated to the single digit Number One (1).
The number One is expressed in the Indo-Arabic (or Hindu-Arabic) numeral system as a vertical line. In the modern version of this system, the number One stands straight and alone, appearing direct and candid. In this position, it has been thought to symbolize the connection between Heaven and Earth, representing the flow of life energy. It was Pythagoras who is said to have noted that the One is both limited and unlimited ~ limited to itself and yet unlimited in other numerals. In other words, there is only the one in One, but there are 10 ones in 10, 100 ones in 100 and so on. Hence, it is thought that the One is the first, and from the One, all else is derived. Here, it is interesting to observe the following:
M A N : 4 + 1 + 5 = 10 --> 1
A D A M : 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 = 10 --> 1
Thus, in both ancient and modern numerology, we think of a person whose birthdate or name reveals the numeral One as being a person who is independent, original, bold, confident, strong, determined, courageous, action-oriented, solitary and creative ~ a leader, inventor, visionary, designer, architect, originator and creator.
While the Number One is associated with such powerful positive qualities, in terms of evolution through the numbers (its place and its expression on the Earthly plane), it is at the first position and thus considered to be a youngster ~ fresh and new with innovative, creative potential but lacking in experience and maturity. The Number One is the ultimate "I AM" consciousness and the Number One individual can be likened to a young child who views the world in the context of "I am at the center", "I am special" or "I am exclusive". Hence, the person who incarnates with such potent possibilities also has many lessons to learn as his/her soul develops itself on this plane.
These lessons principally involve overcoming purely self-centered, egotistical and selfish desires and ambitions which, if not successfully reconciled in the Number One individual, can manifest themselves as arrogance, tyrany, manipulation, domination, impatience, stubborness, narrow-mindedness, laziness and fearfulness.
If the Number One individual can master his/her self-centered impulses, s/he can realize his/her full potential on the Earthly plane and be a fearless, courageous, benevolent and generous leader and creator.
In Love & Light,
Friday, November 25, 2011
Numerology : Number 9 in Arithmetic, Geometry and Symbolism
The number 9 has certain curious arithmetical properties which have been observed, studied and noted by ancient and modern shamans, mystics, metaphysicians, mathemeticians, philosophers and others. To a numerologist and someone who uses Playing (Destiny) Cards and/or Tarot Cards for divination, the role that the numeral 9 plays in these systems, in geometry (sacred and in the "universal blueprint") and in the symbolism that is firmly embedded in the human psyche, is particularly intriquing. For the record, I will say that in the Playing (Destiny Card) divination system, my Birth Card is the 9 of Clubs and my Planetary Ruling Card is the 9 of Spades.
The 9 in Geometry
The notion that the design and structure of the entire Universe is based on geometry becomes more compelling as one progresses through the study of numbers, the geometrical shapes that form our physical world, and the ever-present symbols that have incorporate the shapes:
The number 9, when multipled by itself or any other number, will always reduce back to the number 9:
Any number, no matter how large or small, will always reduce to 9 if the reverse of itself is subtracted from the original number and the result is then numerologically reduced:
In Love & Light,
The 9 in Geometry
The notion that the design and structure of the entire Universe is based on geometry becomes more compelling as one progresses through the study of numbers, the geometrical shapes that form our physical world, and the ever-present symbols that have incorporate the shapes:
It is my personal belief that geometry does, indeed, give us the blueprint for the Universe and this belief lends itself to my abiding interest in the function of numbers. From a numerological point of view, the numeral 9 is one of those numbers that plays a curious role in geometry (I have included examples of some of the symbols in which each geometric shape is used):"God geometrizes continually" ~ attributed to Plato by Plutarch"God arithmetizes" ~ Johann Carl Friedrich Guass, German mathematician
- A circle has 360 degrees (3 + 6 = 9)
- Sun Sign, Yin Yang, The Monad, Ouroboros, Pa Kua, Tomoe (Fire Wheel), Tiratana, Pax Cultura, Peace Sign, Theosophical Society Seal, Pentacle, Seal of Shamash, Seal of The Knights Templar, Sacred Chou (Shou), Sigil of Ameth, Triple Goddess, Triquetra, Yantra, Zia Pueblo Sun Symbol, Celtic Cross, Sun Cross Symbol, Dharma Wheel, Wheel of Life, Cosmogram, Enso, Dreamcatcher, Enneagram, Medicine Wheel, Seed of Life
- A triangle (3-sided polygon) has three angles of 60 degrees each for a total of 180 degrees (1 + 8 = 9)
- Great Seal of The United States, Cancellarius Seal, Freemasonry, Scientology Symbol, Valknut, Triquetra, Yantra, Enneagram, Sigil of Lucifer
- A quadrilateral (4-sided polygon), including the square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid and kite, has four angles of 60 degrees each for a total of 360 degrees (3 + 6 = 9)
- Cross, Crucifix, Inverted Cross, Inverted Crucifix, , Saltire (St. Andrew's Cross), Star of Lakshmi, Endless Knot, Rosy Cross, Rub el Hizb
- A pentagon (5-sided polygon) has five angles of 72 degrees each for a total of 360 degrees (3 + 6 + 9)
- A pentagram (5 pointed star figure) and a pentacle (5 pointed star figure enclosed in a circle) each has five angles of 108 degrees (1 + 8 = 9) for a total of 540 degrees (5 + 4 = 9)
- Druze Star, Blazing Star (Freemasonry), Pentagram, Inverted Pentagram, Pentacle, Sigil of Ameth, Order of the Eastern Star Seal, Star and Crescent
- A hexagon (4-sided polygon) has six angles of 120 degrees each for a total of 540 degrees (5 + 4 = 9)
- The hexagram (or 6 pointed star figure) is composed of two equilateral triangles, with a total of six angles of 60 degrees each, for a total of 360 degrees (3 + 6 = 9)
- Star of David (also called the Jewish Star or Seal of Solomon), Merkabah (Merkaba), Anahata (Heart Chakra), Messianic Seal, Theosophical Society Seal, Raelian Star, Sigil of Ameth
The number 9, when multipled by itself or any other number, will always reduce back to the number 9:
- 1 x 9 = 9
- 2 x 9 = 18 --> 1 + 8 = 9
- 3 x 9 = 27 --> 2 + 7 = 9
- 4 x 9 = 36 --> 3 + 6 = 9
- 5 x 9 = 45 --> 4 + 5 = 9
- 6 x 9 = 54 --> 5 + 4 = 9
- 7 x 9 = 72 --> 7 + 2 = 9
- 8 x 9 = 81 --> 8 + 1 =9
- 10 x 9 = 90 --> 9 + 0 = 9
- 15 x 9 = 135 --> 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
- 517 x 9 = 4653 --> 4 + 6 + 5 + 3 = 18 --> 1 + 8 = 9
- 2349 x 9 = 21141--> 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 9
Any number, no matter how large or small, will always reduce to 9 if the reverse of itself is subtracted from the original number and the result is then numerologically reduced:
- 517 - 715 = -198 = -18 = -9
- 2349 - 9432 = -7083 = -18 = -9
- 98347 - 74389 = 23985 = 27 = 9
In Love & Light,
Number 9,
Secret Symbols,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Numerology: How a Numerologist Finds and Sees Your Personal Numbers
These days, many internet sites offer free numerology readings. In many cases, you are asked to provide your birthdate and your name. In some cases, you are asked to provide just one or the other. Based on this information, a software program instantly generates a number (usually from 1 to 9) and a description of the personality traits associated with that number. While this type of "reading" is fun and entertaining, and is valid to a certain but limited extent, it should not, by any means, be considered a true and complete numerological reading as it does not take into consideration all of your personal numbers.
A complete numerological profile of an individual involves the examination of many numbers. These include what are typically and variously called the Birth Number, the Life Path Number, the Destiny Number, the Life Lesson Number, the Soul Number, the Soul's Urge Number, the Motivation Number, the Inner Urge Number, the Inner Expression Number, the Personality Number and so on and are often expressed as a "final" single-digit number, typically from 1 to 9.
The "final", single-digit numbers are usually obtained by reducing compound numbers which, in turn, are obtained by reducing 3 and 4 digit numbers. For example, a 4-digit number such as the year 1960 will reduce to the compound number 16 which, in turn, will reduce to the final, single-digit number 7. In numerology, this delineation is expressed as 16/7.
In order to get an accurate numerological reading, it is necessary to individually examine each digit in this numerical expression. Furthermore, it is also important to evaluate the order in which the first 2 single digits appear. Thus, in our example, all three numbers (1, 6 and 7) are considered both severally and as a whole. However, we must also look at the order in which they appear because each digit has a certain degree of influence based on where it appears in the sequence. Thus, for example, the final number 7 could be arrived at as follows: 16/7, 61/7, 25/7, 52/7, 34/7, 43/7, 70/7. To a numerologist, 16/7 and 43/7 hold different clues and meanings.
Finally, an experienced numerologist will not only study the final numbers and their delineations but, during the course of performing the calculations, s/he will also look for, take note of and consider certain patterns, combinations, sequences, repetitions, etc. For example, the prevalence or absence of particular numbers and the occurrence of Master Numbers.
In numerology, Master Numbers are generally considered to have a vibration that bestows both special gifts and challenges. Typically, Master Numbers are not reduced to a final, single digit number and are dealt with in a slightly different manner. As there are different schools of thought concerning Master Numbers, I will address this in depth in other postings.
I would also like to note that the foregoing information is based on the Pythagorean method, which is the foundation for the modern numerology system that is most often used in the West today. However, when I look at someone's numerological profile, I also often consult other methods, such as the Chaldean system. I will discuss other numerology systems in future posts.
In Love & Light,
A complete numerological profile of an individual involves the examination of many numbers. These include what are typically and variously called the Birth Number, the Life Path Number, the Destiny Number, the Life Lesson Number, the Soul Number, the Soul's Urge Number, the Motivation Number, the Inner Urge Number, the Inner Expression Number, the Personality Number and so on and are often expressed as a "final" single-digit number, typically from 1 to 9.
The "final", single-digit numbers are usually obtained by reducing compound numbers which, in turn, are obtained by reducing 3 and 4 digit numbers. For example, a 4-digit number such as the year 1960 will reduce to the compound number 16 which, in turn, will reduce to the final, single-digit number 7. In numerology, this delineation is expressed as 16/7.
In order to get an accurate numerological reading, it is necessary to individually examine each digit in this numerical expression. Furthermore, it is also important to evaluate the order in which the first 2 single digits appear. Thus, in our example, all three numbers (1, 6 and 7) are considered both severally and as a whole. However, we must also look at the order in which they appear because each digit has a certain degree of influence based on where it appears in the sequence. Thus, for example, the final number 7 could be arrived at as follows: 16/7, 61/7, 25/7, 52/7, 34/7, 43/7, 70/7. To a numerologist, 16/7 and 43/7 hold different clues and meanings.
Finally, an experienced numerologist will not only study the final numbers and their delineations but, during the course of performing the calculations, s/he will also look for, take note of and consider certain patterns, combinations, sequences, repetitions, etc. For example, the prevalence or absence of particular numbers and the occurrence of Master Numbers.
In numerology, Master Numbers are generally considered to have a vibration that bestows both special gifts and challenges. Typically, Master Numbers are not reduced to a final, single digit number and are dealt with in a slightly different manner. As there are different schools of thought concerning Master Numbers, I will address this in depth in other postings.
I would also like to note that the foregoing information is based on the Pythagorean method, which is the foundation for the modern numerology system that is most often used in the West today. However, when I look at someone's numerological profile, I also often consult other methods, such as the Chaldean system. I will discuss other numerology systems in future posts.
In Love & Light,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Are You a Lightworker, Starseed, Indigo Soul, Walk-in ?
I am sometimes asked by others how I know, or what qualifications I have ... that I call myself a Lightworker, Starseed or Indigo Elder. There is no Harvard, Yale or Ivy League School, or other "respected" and well-known institution, that hands out diplomas to qualify, certify or proclaim an individual as a Lightworker, Indigo Soul, Child or Elder, a Starseed, a Walk-in, and such.
This is because it is a state of being, not something that one goes to school "to become". That is not to say that many individuals, from the very first stages of the Soul awakening, do not have much learning to do. The truth is that, for most of us, the real learning begins with a deep-seated feeling that we are somehow very different from our family, friends, business associates. Not superficially different, but different at our very core and in a way that is often impossible to describe in words. This feeling, coupled with a nearly fanatical need to know "how" and "why", most often forms the basis for the first step in the process: the search to find some reasonable explanation of why we feel so very different.
For me, this search began when I was a child. When I was about 4-5 years old, one of my aunties showed me the technique of dowsing and it was immediately apparent that I had a natural gift for this particular method of divination. I was proclaimed by my elder female relatives to have "the gift". However, at that time, I did not really know what that meant or entailed.
As I was growing up, I noticed how other children and adults would react strangely to me. Familiar persons and strangers, of all ages initially and always seemed very drawn to me and then, sometimes, I would sense that they suddenly became uncomfortable or even fearful to be physically close to me. (I did not understand this then, but I have gained new knowledge of it now which I will discuss in a future post.) Needless to say, I grew up thinking and feeling like I was not only just merely "different", but that I was weird, odd, peculiar, and even somehow abnormal or socially disadvantaged.
However, that did not stop me, at age 12, from declaring myself to be a vegetarian ~ long before it became popular and part of an alternative, modern lifestyle. It did not stop me from pursuing my own, "irregular" interests when it was repeatedly suggested by teachers, counselors and such that "it would be more beneficial" if I engaged in activities that were more befitting my age and circumstances.
From the time of my earliest memories, I was on a mission of self-discovery through numbers, symbols, and the cosmos. Somehow, deep within my heart, I knew that the answers to my personal inquiries were to be found in the annals of the human experience on Earth and beyond.
To that end, in my quest for self-knowledge, I turned to numerology, symbology and astrology. In a future post, I will explain in great detail what I discovered. For now, I will say that within the deeper meanings of that sacred knowledge ~ those very concepts that have been an integral part of humanity and the human psyche since time immemorial ~ I found my answers and discovered, beyond a shadow of doubt, my soul's purpose in this incarnation.
And, this is precisely why I am here and you, dear reader, are also here. You are also searching, studying, learning, refining, connecting and contributing to the expansion of the Great Matrix that is rapidly changing now. Somewhere deep inside of you, you understand that something very significant is occurring ... and you know that it is accelerating with each day, hour and minute. And, that with each acceleration, your role and active participation becomes more imperative. You know that you are meant to be a part of the Great Shift of Consciousness that is nearly upon us. (And I might add, being facilitated by the internet and social media.)
And, you know that you are destined to not only experience it, you are following your Soul's urge to contribute, aid, foster and nurture it in a loving, meaningful and very important way. You are here to assist in healing the planet, humanity and usher in the New World.
If you, dear reader, has read this far, then you can be sure that you are an awakened Soul (regardless of label). Labels are not important to us, although they play a role in our work here on Earth at this very exciting time of humanity's impending evolution.
In Love & Light,
This is because it is a state of being, not something that one goes to school "to become". That is not to say that many individuals, from the very first stages of the Soul awakening, do not have much learning to do. The truth is that, for most of us, the real learning begins with a deep-seated feeling that we are somehow very different from our family, friends, business associates. Not superficially different, but different at our very core and in a way that is often impossible to describe in words. This feeling, coupled with a nearly fanatical need to know "how" and "why", most often forms the basis for the first step in the process: the search to find some reasonable explanation of why we feel so very different.
For me, this search began when I was a child. When I was about 4-5 years old, one of my aunties showed me the technique of dowsing and it was immediately apparent that I had a natural gift for this particular method of divination. I was proclaimed by my elder female relatives to have "the gift". However, at that time, I did not really know what that meant or entailed.
As I was growing up, I noticed how other children and adults would react strangely to me. Familiar persons and strangers, of all ages initially and always seemed very drawn to me and then, sometimes, I would sense that they suddenly became uncomfortable or even fearful to be physically close to me. (I did not understand this then, but I have gained new knowledge of it now which I will discuss in a future post.) Needless to say, I grew up thinking and feeling like I was not only just merely "different", but that I was weird, odd, peculiar, and even somehow abnormal or socially disadvantaged.
However, that did not stop me, at age 12, from declaring myself to be a vegetarian ~ long before it became popular and part of an alternative, modern lifestyle. It did not stop me from pursuing my own, "irregular" interests when it was repeatedly suggested by teachers, counselors and such that "it would be more beneficial" if I engaged in activities that were more befitting my age and circumstances.
From the time of my earliest memories, I was on a mission of self-discovery through numbers, symbols, and the cosmos. Somehow, deep within my heart, I knew that the answers to my personal inquiries were to be found in the annals of the human experience on Earth and beyond.
To that end, in my quest for self-knowledge, I turned to numerology, symbology and astrology. In a future post, I will explain in great detail what I discovered. For now, I will say that within the deeper meanings of that sacred knowledge ~ those very concepts that have been an integral part of humanity and the human psyche since time immemorial ~ I found my answers and discovered, beyond a shadow of doubt, my soul's purpose in this incarnation.
And, this is precisely why I am here and you, dear reader, are also here. You are also searching, studying, learning, refining, connecting and contributing to the expansion of the Great Matrix that is rapidly changing now. Somewhere deep inside of you, you understand that something very significant is occurring ... and you know that it is accelerating with each day, hour and minute. And, that with each acceleration, your role and active participation becomes more imperative. You know that you are meant to be a part of the Great Shift of Consciousness that is nearly upon us. (And I might add, being facilitated by the internet and social media.)
And, you know that you are destined to not only experience it, you are following your Soul's urge to contribute, aid, foster and nurture it in a loving, meaningful and very important way. You are here to assist in healing the planet, humanity and usher in the New World.
If you, dear reader, has read this far, then you can be sure that you are an awakened Soul (regardless of label). Labels are not important to us, although they play a role in our work here on Earth at this very exciting time of humanity's impending evolution.
In Love & Light,
Monday, November 21, 2011
Ascension - How Lightbody Activation Can Play Out in Daily Life
As individuals transit through the various levels of Lightbody Activation, they find themselves observing the more mundane aspects of life from a higher plane. Those things (objects, events, desires) that once seemed so imperative or essential to the dense physical body and to the materialistically confined mind are now becoming significantly less important or no longer hold any importance at all. These observations are not those of a detached, impartial spectator ... they are the transformational outpourings of the evolving soul itself, which then feels strongly compelled to express them in the physical world.
While each Lightbody experiences the activation process uniquely, the following examples reflect my personal experience and/or have been reported by others:
Changes in Diet
During the lower stages of activation, more sleep is often required as the physical body sheds toxins, repairs and heals itself. During this time, old emotional wounds and past karmic debts are also being resolved and this may affect sleep.
During the upper stages of activation, less sleep is often required as the requisite emotional healing has taken place, the physical body has been purified, is now being properly nourished and cared for, and is functioning optimally.
Changes in Lifestyle
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Ascension - Physical Symptoms of Lightbody Activation
While each Lightbody experiences the activation process uniquely, the following examples reflect my personal experience and/or have been reported by others:
Changes in Diet
- The onset of cravings for highly nutritious "pure" food and/or for food in its "purest form". An example of this would be craving a fresh, raw apple instead of a slice of apple pie ~ which typically contains processed white flour, sugar and perservatives (if store bought) and in which the apple itself (a product of nature) has been processed.
- An increasing preference for a plant-based (vegetarian) diet, in cases where the lightbody is still consumming animal flesh.
- An increase in appetite, particularly for vegetable protein and wholesome foods.
During the lower stages of activation, more sleep is often required as the physical body sheds toxins, repairs and heals itself. During this time, old emotional wounds and past karmic debts are also being resolved and this may affect sleep.
During the upper stages of activation, less sleep is often required as the requisite emotional healing has taken place, the physical body has been purified, is now being properly nourished and cared for, and is functioning optimally.
Changes in Lifestyle
- A greater need for natural light, which may include more time spent outside in the sunlight as well as bringing more natural light indoors.
- A compulsion to create a harmonic, free and positive energy flowing personal physical space ~ which may result in emotional and sentimental detachment from objects, systematic decluttering, obsessive cleaning, re-arranging of furniture and furnishings, and even moving.
- An ever-growing desire for quietude and the reduction in background noise. This most often results in television time being replaced by other activities such as reading, studing, meditating and reflecting.
- A sudden interest in the welfare, safety and plight of humanity, animals, plants, Mother Earth, followed by proactively and frequently bestowing random acts of kindness, and volunterring for charitable or community work.
- Minor to major changes in the practice of religious or spiritual beliefs. This could mean going to the usual place of worship (church, temple, synagogue, etc.) more often, or stopping altogether. Going to a new place of worship. Or, creating a personal space for worship (such an altar) within the home.
- During lower levels of activation, many lightbodies experience an intense fear of "losing people". This fear is not always without merit and there may be temporary or permanent changes in important relationships.
- Emotional or physical alienation, separation, divorce, employment severance or business disassociation is not uncommon during any level of the Lightbody Activation.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Ascension - Physical Symptoms of Lightbody Activation
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Ascension - Physical Symptoms of Lightbody Activation
Last night before falling into blissful sleep, my Spirit Guide came to me and informed that I must share with my readers some of the physical, psychological and spiritual symptoms of Lightbody Activation that I have personally experienced. This post will concern the physical manifestations.
I must preface by stating that, as an individual transits through the various levels of activations, she/he may or may not experience the same physical symptoms as I have, may experience various other manifestations, and/or may do so with different degrees of intensity. Here, I write only of my own individual experience.
Also, the information that I present is not to be taken in any form or manner as a medical diagnosis, advise, treatment or otherwise. If you are experiencing these, similar or other symptoms, you need to promptly seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.
Diarrhea. Not a pretty or pleasant subject, but one that is reported by many other individuals transiting through Lightbody Activation. The reason for this is that all of the cells of the physical body must lose a certain amount of "density" so that they can accept more Light and vibrate on a higher frequency. (This concept is relatively complicated and I will detail it in another post.) The diarrhea also serves as a method of detoxifying the physical body ~ purging accummulated toxins and passing them through at an accelerated rate.
Obviously, there are much safer and more pleasant ways to detoxify the physical body ~ such as brief periods of fasting. But, some of us have had no choice in the matter. I have been through it on three separate occasions during the past 17 years. It is no fun and it would not have been my choice if I had been given one. Under no circumstances should anyone try to purposely induce diarrhea ~ whether through the use of drugs, foods or other means. Prolonged periods of diarrhea poses a tremendous health hazard. Even brief periods of fasting can pose a health risk to certain individuals. Always check with your health care professional first!
Skin Rashes and Conditions. Skin rashes, hives, flaking and similar symptoms are also relatively commonly reported. This is largerly another result of the detoxification process ~ as some cells expell certain types of toxins through the skin and this can occur anywhere on the physical body.
In my case, I had clusters of tiny red bumps that were heavily concentrated between my eyebrows and that emanated from there to the rest of my face up to my hairline and parts of my neck ~ particularly around and behind my ears. These bumps were accompanied by flakiness and the peeling of relatively good-sized pieces of skin at relatively rapid intervals. As you already suspect, dear reader, these bouts of skin eruptions took place at the same time as the diarrhea.
Increased Sensitivity to Light, Touch, Sound, Odors and Temperatures. Again, another widely reported physical symptom and, in my case, this markedly increased sensitivity expanded in intensity during each of the three bouts and has remained with me, in relation to the increased sensitivity, after each episode. Although this can be extremely annoying, it is something that one can get used to eventually ~ or at least certain aspects.
For example, I have learned to always wear layered clothing that I can remove or put back on easily. However, I still have not mastered socially acceptable ways of dealing with certain other situations ... like the the smell that arises in the use of animal fat in cooking ... at those times, my only refuge is to escape physically.
Accidents. I have heard others call it loss of coordination, clumsiness and such. From my perspective, I can best describe it as a spontaneous, temporary loss of being in touch with physical reality that sometimes results in accidents which, in turn, sometimes cause mild to severe injury to the physical body. This involves the the concept of multidimensional travel or awareness ~ a topic worthy of its own post. For now, I will best describe it as taking action upon something that has all of the appearances of being a solid.
Blessed Be ... all of the Lightbodies and Lightworkers who are working individually and collectively in unity to foster the Ascension of all of humanity to a higher consciousness and laying the foundations for the next all-important and magnificent step in human evolution ...
In Love and Light,
Related Articles:
Ascension - How Lightbody Activation Can Play Out in Daily Life
I must preface by stating that, as an individual transits through the various levels of activations, she/he may or may not experience the same physical symptoms as I have, may experience various other manifestations, and/or may do so with different degrees of intensity. Here, I write only of my own individual experience.
Also, the information that I present is not to be taken in any form or manner as a medical diagnosis, advise, treatment or otherwise. If you are experiencing these, similar or other symptoms, you need to promptly seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.
Diarrhea. Not a pretty or pleasant subject, but one that is reported by many other individuals transiting through Lightbody Activation. The reason for this is that all of the cells of the physical body must lose a certain amount of "density" so that they can accept more Light and vibrate on a higher frequency. (This concept is relatively complicated and I will detail it in another post.) The diarrhea also serves as a method of detoxifying the physical body ~ purging accummulated toxins and passing them through at an accelerated rate.
Obviously, there are much safer and more pleasant ways to detoxify the physical body ~ such as brief periods of fasting. But, some of us have had no choice in the matter. I have been through it on three separate occasions during the past 17 years. It is no fun and it would not have been my choice if I had been given one. Under no circumstances should anyone try to purposely induce diarrhea ~ whether through the use of drugs, foods or other means. Prolonged periods of diarrhea poses a tremendous health hazard. Even brief periods of fasting can pose a health risk to certain individuals. Always check with your health care professional first!
Skin Rashes and Conditions. Skin rashes, hives, flaking and similar symptoms are also relatively commonly reported. This is largerly another result of the detoxification process ~ as some cells expell certain types of toxins through the skin and this can occur anywhere on the physical body.
In my case, I had clusters of tiny red bumps that were heavily concentrated between my eyebrows and that emanated from there to the rest of my face up to my hairline and parts of my neck ~ particularly around and behind my ears. These bumps were accompanied by flakiness and the peeling of relatively good-sized pieces of skin at relatively rapid intervals. As you already suspect, dear reader, these bouts of skin eruptions took place at the same time as the diarrhea.
Increased Sensitivity to Light, Touch, Sound, Odors and Temperatures. Again, another widely reported physical symptom and, in my case, this markedly increased sensitivity expanded in intensity during each of the three bouts and has remained with me, in relation to the increased sensitivity, after each episode. Although this can be extremely annoying, it is something that one can get used to eventually ~ or at least certain aspects.
For example, I have learned to always wear layered clothing that I can remove or put back on easily. However, I still have not mastered socially acceptable ways of dealing with certain other situations ... like the the smell that arises in the use of animal fat in cooking ... at those times, my only refuge is to escape physically.
Accidents. I have heard others call it loss of coordination, clumsiness and such. From my perspective, I can best describe it as a spontaneous, temporary loss of being in touch with physical reality that sometimes results in accidents which, in turn, sometimes cause mild to severe injury to the physical body. This involves the the concept of multidimensional travel or awareness ~ a topic worthy of its own post. For now, I will best describe it as taking action upon something that has all of the appearances of being a solid.
Blessed Be ... all of the Lightbodies and Lightworkers who are working individually and collectively in unity to foster the Ascension of all of humanity to a higher consciousness and laying the foundations for the next all-important and magnificent step in human evolution ...
In Love and Light,
Related Articles:
Ascension - How Lightbody Activation Can Play Out in Daily Life
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Playing (Destiny) Cards - Suits and Seasons
In the Playing (Destiny) Card system, as well as in the Tarot deck, the four Suits perform an integral and critically important function. Not only is it thought that each of the four Suits corresponds to and represents one of the four Seasons, the entire nature of this correspondence is closely linked to humanity dating back to the earliest times.
Of Seasons ....
Since the dawn of time, early man closely observed the unique characteristics of each one of the four Seasons, as such characteristics had a direct impact on his very survival. To this end, early man not only learned to cooperate with the flow of the natural annual cycle ~ for example, planting in Spring and harvesting in Autumn ~ but, equally significantly, man also developed a profound respect for nature.
It is believed that this profound respect for nature, the natural processes occurring on Earth and interconnected to the Sun, Moon and Planets, evolved into the earliest forms of religion, whereby man saw the entirety of the Universe as divine. Recognition and reverance of this universal interconnectedness resulted in certain associations being formed in the mind of early man, which associations have been variously represented by symbols.
These ancient symbols emanated from all corners of the World and, in some respects, are strikingly similar. They have endured in the human psyche throughout the ages and are worth consideration in the study of the "science" of The Playing (Destiny) Card and Tarot divination systems.
Of Suits ...
A survey of antique and modern playing cards from around the world reveals a common thread in the theme but quite a few differences in style and symbolism. Insofar as the suits are concerned, with the notable exception of Chinese and Indian cards, four suits in a deck appears to have prevailed throughout history and in different parts of the world. Hence, the connection of the four suits to the four seasons in the Playing (Destiny) Card system has very strong support and foundation.
As to the actual symbols used to identify each of the four suits ~ here is where we see some differences in both the playing and tarot cards. The difference in the symbology, both in terms of identification of the suits as well as other aspects, can largely be attributed to cultural and regional influences. However, although the symbols may differ, the underlying meanings of the symbols are the same, or essentially the same. The following is a chart of corresponding seasons, suit symbols and general meanings:
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
The Playing (Destiny) Card System and the Calendar
Playing (Destiny) Card: Season and Suits: Spring and Hearts
Of Seasons ....
Since the dawn of time, early man closely observed the unique characteristics of each one of the four Seasons, as such characteristics had a direct impact on his very survival. To this end, early man not only learned to cooperate with the flow of the natural annual cycle ~ for example, planting in Spring and harvesting in Autumn ~ but, equally significantly, man also developed a profound respect for nature.
It is believed that this profound respect for nature, the natural processes occurring on Earth and interconnected to the Sun, Moon and Planets, evolved into the earliest forms of religion, whereby man saw the entirety of the Universe as divine. Recognition and reverance of this universal interconnectedness resulted in certain associations being formed in the mind of early man, which associations have been variously represented by symbols.
These ancient symbols emanated from all corners of the World and, in some respects, are strikingly similar. They have endured in the human psyche throughout the ages and are worth consideration in the study of the "science" of The Playing (Destiny) Card and Tarot divination systems.
Of Suits ...
A survey of antique and modern playing cards from around the world reveals a common thread in the theme but quite a few differences in style and symbolism. Insofar as the suits are concerned, with the notable exception of Chinese and Indian cards, four suits in a deck appears to have prevailed throughout history and in different parts of the world. Hence, the connection of the four suits to the four seasons in the Playing (Destiny) Card system has very strong support and foundation.
As to the actual symbols used to identify each of the four suits ~ here is where we see some differences in both the playing and tarot cards. The difference in the symbology, both in terms of identification of the suits as well as other aspects, can largely be attributed to cultural and regional influences. However, although the symbols may differ, the underlying meanings of the symbols are the same, or essentially the same. The following is a chart of corresponding seasons, suit symbols and general meanings:
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
The Playing (Destiny) Card System and the Calendar
Playing (Destiny) Card: Season and Suits: Spring and Hearts
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Playing (Destiny) Card System and The Calendar
The Playing Card Divination System, also called or known as the Destiny Card System, is both beautifully simple and exquisitely complex, tying together numerology, symbology and astrology. This article discusses one the most important aspects of the System: its relationship to the calendar. Worthy of consideration are all of the following correspondences involving the playing cards:
- There are 4 suits in a deck of playing cards, as there are 4 seasons.
- There are 13 cards in each suit, as there are 13 weeks in each season and 13 revolutions of the Moon around the Earth during a lunar year.
- There are a total of 52 cards, as there are a total of 52 weeks in each year.
- There are a total of 12 court cards, whose average value is 12, and as there are a total of 12 months in the year, 12 hours in the AM, and 12 hours in the PM.
- The average value of each card is 7, as there are 7 days in the week, 7 planets, 7 colors in a rainbow.
- 52 (cards) x 7 (average value of each card) = 364 + 1 (Joker) = 365 (Days in a Year)
- 4 (suits) x 13 (cards in each suit) x 7 (average value of each card) = 364 + 1 (Joker) = 365 (Days in a Year)
- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 (value of individual cards in each suit) x 4 (suits) = 364 + 1 (Joker) = 365 (Days in a Year)
- 365 + 1 (the second Joker in the deck) = 366 (Days in a Leap Year)
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Playing (Destiny) Cards - Suits and Seasons
Playing (Destiny) Cards: Seasons and Suits: Spring and Hearts
Sunday, November 13, 2011
My Spiritual Journey - Part II (of Names and Numbers)
![]() |
"Sedona Sky Spirit" by Angelika |
I cannot pinpoint exactly when my spiritual journey began in earnest, but I have a strong suspicion that I have been on the Path from the very time I came into body, as the circumstances of my birth are somewhat strange.
My Mother states that one evening she felt that it was time, so she packed a small overnight bag and took the last nightly tram to the hospital. Upon arrival, she was assigned to a bed and told to rest, as she would need her strength. At some point, she fell asleep and the next thing she knew, she was awoken by the nurse and told that she had had a baby girl. This may sound quite remarkable, but even the head of obstetrics had apparently commented that they never seen a birth quite like that. My Mother tells the story laughingly, although it is quite evident that she is slightly embarassed for essentially not being present for the birth of her first (and only) child.
According to my Mother, also noteworthy was that I was very pale ~ nearly translucent. Upon seeing me for the first time, my Mother's sister gave me my name ~ a Slavic name meaning "illumination" or "light". The word "light" has the master number 11 (29/11). Interestingly, my full name at birth also has the master number 11 (47/11).
In esoteric numerology, and in very simple terms, persons who incarnate under the number 11 are thought to be "old souls" whose purpose is to find the Light and share it with others. Hence, my spiritual path and soul's purpose was dictated at birth. So in a sense, the journey began at birth. However, I believe I was not fully conscious of my soul's purpose until I started my search to uncover why I always felt so different.
As a note, the name "Angelika" came to me from my Spirit Guide during the Indigo/Crystal transition. It has encoded within it the Slavic name given to me at birth and means "messenger" (from the Greek "Angeliki" or "Angelos").
I will discuss the significance of names, including adopted names, within the context of numerology in great detail in future posts.
In Love & Light,
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Numerology: Life as Seen by a Numerologist
I cannot imagine life on Earth as we know it today without the existence of numbers. Can you? I think we all agree that numerals are essential to the functioning of our world and play a critical role in our individual lives and in our society as a whole. Without a numeral system that we all agree on, there would be utter chaos.
Like everyone else, I constantly use, process and rely on numerals to provide me with certain information (such as the value of something), keep track of time, balance my checkbook, make phone calls, measure my blood pressure and for countless other purposes. However, as a numerologist, I constantly and actively look for and note certain numerical patterns, sequences and combinations, even as I perform the most mundane of everyday tasks, like looking for a particular address.
One might say that I "see" everything (places, things, events and even people) in terms of a numerical value. Put another way, I view the entirety of life (including the past, present and future) in the context of scrolling numerical expressions and symbols ... much like a stock ticker symbol tape!
It is the symbolic significance of any particular numerical value or expression that interests me. The symbolism that is associated with the individual numerals 1 through 9 as well as the manner in which they combine in a given context is deeply rooted in humanity's spiritual and cultural history from the beginning of time.
I am convinced that this timeless and enduring symbolism, although sometimes obscure or hidden and not always readily apparent, is ingrained deep within the human psyche and for this reason, many people often and automatically form and then act on certain associations involving certain numerals - whether they do so with full awareness or not. For example, many people consider the numeral 7 to be lucky and three 7's (i.e., 777) to be particularly so and may act upon this belief (when gambling for instance) without necessarily knowing why they hold this belief.
In my early studies of numerology, I discovered that knowing and understanding the "why's" was one of the keys to unlocking some of life's mysteries. Although numerology, in and of itself, is an excellent analysis and predictive tool, it plays a significant role in other trait/personality identification and divination systems (playing cards, tarot, astrology) as I will explain in other posts.
In Love & Light,
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