While each Lightbody experiences the activation process uniquely, the following examples reflect my personal experience and/or have been reported by others:
Changes in Diet
- The onset of cravings for highly nutritious "pure" food and/or for food in its "purest form". An example of this would be craving a fresh, raw apple instead of a slice of apple pie ~ which typically contains processed white flour, sugar and perservatives (if store bought) and in which the apple itself (a product of nature) has been processed.
- An increasing preference for a plant-based (vegetarian) diet, in cases where the lightbody is still consumming animal flesh.
- An increase in appetite, particularly for vegetable protein and wholesome foods.
During the lower stages of activation, more sleep is often required as the physical body sheds toxins, repairs and heals itself. During this time, old emotional wounds and past karmic debts are also being resolved and this may affect sleep.
During the upper stages of activation, less sleep is often required as the requisite emotional healing has taken place, the physical body has been purified, is now being properly nourished and cared for, and is functioning optimally.
Changes in Lifestyle
- A greater need for natural light, which may include more time spent outside in the sunlight as well as bringing more natural light indoors.
- A compulsion to create a harmonic, free and positive energy flowing personal physical space ~ which may result in emotional and sentimental detachment from objects, systematic decluttering, obsessive cleaning, re-arranging of furniture and furnishings, and even moving.
- An ever-growing desire for quietude and the reduction in background noise. This most often results in television time being replaced by other activities such as reading, studing, meditating and reflecting.
- A sudden interest in the welfare, safety and plight of humanity, animals, plants, Mother Earth, followed by proactively and frequently bestowing random acts of kindness, and volunterring for charitable or community work.
- Minor to major changes in the practice of religious or spiritual beliefs. This could mean going to the usual place of worship (church, temple, synagogue, etc.) more often, or stopping altogether. Going to a new place of worship. Or, creating a personal space for worship (such an altar) within the home.
- During lower levels of activation, many lightbodies experience an intense fear of "losing people". This fear is not always without merit and there may be temporary or permanent changes in important relationships.
- Emotional or physical alienation, separation, divorce, employment severance or business disassociation is not uncommon during any level of the Lightbody Activation.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Ascension - Physical Symptoms of Lightbody Activation