The principle of the Law of Attraction is simple: Ask, Believe, Receive. So, why has it evolved into such a precise science? Why do so many people seemingly have so much trouble harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction? What is the "real" secret? This is my personal approach to living and thriving in abundance. In this post I will cover the first aspect of making it work: Asking.
In the "asking" stage, many people make the first mistake right at the very first step ~ without even realizing it. Everyone has desires and dreams, but when asked to formulate them in a specific request, many individuals, surprisingly, have trouble doing so. It is essential to know exactly what you want and to express it in those terms. Vagueness does not work. If you cannot define your desires, the Universe does not know what to give you!
Thus, for example, simply thinking that "I want more money" is not precise enough. The Universe does not know just how much you want or need ~ so how can it give it to you? It is like saying to your partner "I want more sex." Without telling him or her more, your partner does not know if that means two, five or ten times more per month, per week or per day nor does he or she know when, where or how you expect to receive it.
So, it is extremely important that you are very clear on what, exactly, you want and to define how much you want and/or in what form you want it. It is also very helpful to be definite about your purpose for wanting it and where you would like it to come from. Thus, for example, if you want more sex, do you want it with a particular person or will anyone do?
One of the most effective methods of determining and defining your exact desires is by writing them down. You may be surprised that this is sometimes more difficult than it first seems. This is often the case for several reasons.
First of all, many people are not used to the idea of making specific requests for certain things. They may perceive their request to be too fantastic, extravagant or outlandish. They look at their current circumstances and feel convinced that the request is beyond the scope of their individual reality. They are fearful or reluctant of asking for "too much" or for things that they reason they could "never really have" because of their present position or status in life.
Secondly, some people may feel embarassed about the nature of their request. They may consider their deepest desires to be peculiar, excessive or in some other way inapproriate and may not be comfortable with verbalizing or expressing them.
Finally, some people feel that they are undeserving of whatever it is they really want. They feel that they are not worthy of such gifts or they may worry about appearing to be greedy, egotistical, foolish or delusional.
Although these types of worries, trepidations and skepticism are relatively common, they need to be resolved if the Law of Attraction is going to work. Many experts think that these matters are appropriately addressed in the "Believe" stage. Personally, I think they need to be dealt with before the request is even made and then maintained through the "Believe" stage.
A journal or diary is indispensable in resolving these types of issues. It can be a fancy, leather-bound blank book, a locking diary or a plain notebook. The only real requirement is that is kept private. This is vital. Even if you think you may not mind if others read it, the truth is that if you think someone else may read it, you will probably not be as open and honest in writing down your innermost thoughts and feelings ~ thus, defeating the purpose of the exercise.
There are no set rules or requirements as to what, when or how often you should write in the journal or diary. However, it is helpful if you set aside some quiet time and do so on a fairly regular basis and begin by writing down one of your dreams or desires and then record how you really feel about it and why. You should not worry about making spelling or grammatical errors, being neat or even making a lot of sense at first. With practice, writing from the heart becomes easier and feels more natural.
Drawing, doodling, pasting pictures or photographs, inspirational text or quotations, or anything else of that nature may also be helpful. The important thing is to keep it honest and private and make it fun.
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving