The individuals who are using the Law of Attraction understand that there are three basic steps: Ask, Believe, Receive. At first glance, the Asking and Believing portions appear to perhaps require some secret knowledge and possibly some effort, but the act of Receiving seems rather apparent and effortless. So, why, after an individual has discovered how the Law of Attraction works in practice and has done "all of the right things" in the Asking and Believing steps, is he or she still not Receiving?
Is the act of Receiving a proactive or passive step? Some individuals ascribe to the notion that once you have determined and expressed your wants and desires and have mastered the art of believing by adopting and maintaining a positive attitude and outlook, that all you have to do now is to wait to Receive ~ i.e., the dormant stage of waiting for the "Universe to provide". Others assert that you must make certain that you are ready, willing and able to Receive and specify various rules for how to allow for the event to occur.
In my view, Receiving is very proactive and a part of the process that can be greatly expedited. That is, assuming that you have a clear vision of your desire and have been able to raise, align and maintain your personal vibrational frequency. I can write this with absolute confidence because I know from decades of personal experience that "it" works.
What is this "it" and why am I not calling it a "technique", "method", "system" or "task"? Because "it" is not something that one does out of obligation or for self-serving purposes. Nor is "it" a gimmick or a trick. This "it" is done with an open heart, a genuine interest and concern and a deep desire to contribute in a selfless manner.
This "it" is called "Giving". Giving can take many forms. It can be monetary and, if you are aware and enlightened, then you know that it is usually the people who have the least amount of money that are the ones who give the most of what little they do have to others who are in greater need of it. To that you may think or say "so why is the Law of Attraction not working for them, why are they still in poverty?" The answer is that such a person does not desire money above all else and is blessed in other ways ~ why else would such person voluntarily give away what little they do have?
Other than money, there is the gift of yourself ~ your time (we are all so busy these days!), your understanding, empathy and compassion, your insights and knowledge and your love, respect and goodwill toward all that is alive and living, including the animals, the plants and the planet.
Each of us has something of great value to give. If you would like to Receive, then you must Give. And, following the Universal laws and rules, the more that you do Give (willingly, happily and selflessly) ... the more you will Receive.
The decision of what and how much to Give is strictly personal and may require some practice. If you are not used to Giving, then begin with small things or acts. At first, you may feel trepidatious and struggle with feelings of loss, but once and over time that you experience the act of Giving, you will come to know and feel an elation, an exhilaration that will so greatly increase your personal vibrational frequency to such high levels ... that the Universe will, indeed, respond.
There is an old and tried adage: "what comes around, goes around."
In Light & Love,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret: Asking
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing