Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are You a Lightworker, Starseed, Indigo Soul, Walk-in ?

I am sometimes asked by others how I know, or what qualifications I have ... that I call myself a Lightworker, Starseed or Indigo Elder.  There is no Harvard, Yale or Ivy League School, or other "respected" and well-known institution, that hands out diplomas to qualify, certify or proclaim an individual as a Lightworker, Indigo Soul, Child or Elder, a Starseed, a Walk-in, and such. 

This is because it is a state of being, not something that one goes to school "to become".  That is not to say that many individuals, from the very first stages of the Soul awakening, do not have much learning to do.  The truth is that, for most of us, the real learning begins with a deep-seated feeling that we are somehow very different from our family, friends, business associates.  Not superficially different, but different at our very core and in a way that is often impossible to describe in words.  This feeling, coupled with a nearly fanatical need to know "how" and "why", most often forms the basis for the first step in the process:  the search to find some reasonable explanation of why we feel so very different.

For me, this search began when I was a child.  When I was about 4-5 years old, one of my aunties showed me the technique of dowsing and it was immediately apparent that I had a natural gift for this particular method of divination.  I was proclaimed by my elder female relatives to have "the gift".  However, at that time, I did not really know what that meant or entailed.

As I was growing up, I noticed how other children and adults would react strangely to me.  Familiar persons and strangers, of all ages initially and always seemed very drawn to me and then, sometimes, I would sense that they suddenly became uncomfortable or even fearful to be physically close to me.  (I did not understand this then, but I have gained new knowledge of it now which I will discuss in a future post.)  Needless to say, I grew up thinking and feeling like I was not only just merely "different", but that I was weird, odd, peculiar, and even somehow abnormal or socially disadvantaged. 

However, that did not stop me, at age 12, from declaring myself to be a vegetarian ~ long before it became popular and part of an alternative, modern lifestyle.  It did not stop me from pursuing my own, "irregular" interests when it was repeatedly suggested by teachers, counselors and such that "it would be more beneficial" if I engaged in activities that were more befitting my age and circumstances. 

From the time of my earliest memories, I was on a mission of self-discovery through numbers, symbols, and the cosmos.  Somehow, deep within my heart, I knew that the answers to my personal inquiries were to be found in the annals of the human experience on Earth and beyond. 

To that end, in my quest for self-knowledge, I turned to numerology, symbology and astrology.   In a future post, I will explain in great detail what I discovered.  For now, I will say that within the deeper meanings of that sacred knowledge ~ those very concepts that have been an integral part of humanity and the human psyche since time immemorial ~ I found my answers and discovered, beyond a shadow of doubt, my soul's purpose in this incarnation. 

And, this is precisely why I am here and you, dear reader, are also here.  You are also searching, studying, learning, refining, connecting and contributing to the expansion of the Great Matrix that is rapidly changing now.  Somewhere deep inside of you, you understand that something very significant is occurring ... and you know that it is accelerating with each day, hour and minute.  And, that with each acceleration, your role and active participation becomes more imperative.  You know that you are meant to be a part of the Great Shift of Consciousness that is nearly upon us.   (And I might add, being facilitated by the internet and social media.)

And, you know that you are destined to not only experience it, you are following your Soul's urge to contribute, aid, foster and nurture it in a loving, meaningful and very important way.  You are here to assist in healing the planet, humanity and usher in the New World.

If you, dear reader, has read this far, then you can be sure that you are an awakened Soul (regardless of label).  Labels are not important to us, although they play a role in our work here on Earth at this very exciting time of humanity's impending evolution.

In Love & Light,