Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Spiritual Journey and Witchcraft: Discovering Past Life as a "Witch"

Throughout my life, starting when I was just a little girl, I heard things like "you are a witch", "you must be some kind of witch" "what are you, a witch?"  These remarks sometimes came with a smile, other times with a scowl, but always after something that I had talked about actually happened and was observed by another. 

Having been called a witch enough times when I was still so little, I wanted to know what being a "witch" meant.  Certainly I knew that I was not practicing witchcraft ~ i.e., I was not then actively and consciously engaged in casting spells and following any of the Wiccan rituals I had later read about.  But, was it possible that I was practicing witchcraft on some subliminal level?

Once I started reading all about witches, sorcery, magic (magick), paganism and the occult, I was fascinated and something about the entire subject really resonated with me.  That was actually not a surprise because I was always keenly interested in herbs, oils, gems, crystals, the stars, the elements, correspondences and so forth.  But, did this mean that I was "witch" or a "Wiccan"?

This led to a period of intense experimentation with spells, rites and rituals that I had read about or that I devised myself.  What I learned was that all of this came very naturally to me.  What I also realized was that I had some sort of innate talent in these matters.  And, finally, what I discovered is that magic (magick) was a very powerful "tool".  

Hence, about 35 years ago, I concluded that I had some sort of a connection to all of this, but it was not until about 25 years ago that I discovered a past life that provided the explanation.

The discovery came to me during my extensive travels throughout Europe.  In visiting certain old castles, cathedrals, churches and ruins, I sometimes felt a great deal of discomfort.  Other times, my body seemed to fill with the kind of warmth, joy and profound feelings of familiarity that one feels when returning home.  And, then there were those times, that these visits resulted in sudden and unexpected violent physical reactions ~ as was the case when I came into close proximity of antique instruments of torture. 

It was at this time that I began to have some very strange dreams and that a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum (also known as the "Witch Hammer" or the "Witch Hunter's Bible"), the infamous treatise on witchcraft written in 1486, somehow practically landed in my lap.  As I began to read it, I began to have terrifying nightmares ~ often waking in the middle of the night in a sweat and state of confusion.

After months of suffering through extreme physical and emotional discomfort, it suddenly dawned on me:  I had lived during the Burning Times and been accused of witchcraft in a previous life.  But, did this mean I was a "witch" then?  No, I was a healer or had something (like property) that someone else wanted ~ like most of those accused.

Am I a "witch" now?  I do not readily accept that label with all of its negative connotations but will attempt to answer that question in another post.  For now, I say that I simply have a heightened sensitivity to nature, certain energies and other things "unseen" in this dimension and, consequently, I am able to work with these energies more effectively than incarnates who lack this sensitivity.

I have provided a link to the Malleus Maleficarum but I must warn you that it is a very difficult read ~ particularly for a sensitive, spiritual or intuitive soul. 

In Love & Light,