Friday, November 11, 2011

My Spiritual Journey - Part I

Orchid Rendition by Angelika
 In this world, there are no accidents and something has brought you to this page.  Whatever that personal reason may be, you are undoubtedly curious about the person who calls herself "Angelika" and who fills these pages with words that reflect her thoughts, impressions, experiences and channeled messages.

Throughout this blog, I will share aspects of my personal history, spiritual journey, and my life and soul's purpose in the hope that such sharing will foster a connection with you, dear reader.  After all, we are all connected by only a few degrees of separation.

I was born in the Old World into a family with a long history of women healers, intuitives and empaths.  I have been taught that my lineage goes back to before the Burning Times but, of course, as was necessarily the case, the stories of women ancestors who had healing and psychic gifts has been passed down only orally from one generation to the next.  It is a facsinating story ~ one that I am passionate about finally commiting to paper.

From my earliest memories as a small child, I have had an intense interest in anything and everything that could be characterized as supernatural, mystical, mysterious and esoteric.

Presently, through writings, research and other work and activities, I am answering the inner call of an Indigo Elder after carefully nurturing a very strong, life-long interest in and study of various subjects within the philosophical and metaphysical realm.  

Although my interests are quite varied within this sphere, my greatest love and deepest interest lies in the universal language of numbers, the historical and mystical value of ancient signs and symbols, and the significance of archaic secret rituals, rites and belief systems from all corners of the Earth, spanning the ages.  To that end, my expertise is in the playing and tarot card divination systems, both of which incorporate numerology and symbology, as well as astrology.

As a Lightworker, it is my heart's mission to disseminate love and light in the hopes of assisting others in fulfilling their soul's purpose and evolving into their full spiriual potential. 

In Love & Light,