Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Auras and Indigo Adults, Elders and Children

Individuals exhibiting certain personality traits and characteristics came to be called "Indigo" because of the predominance of certain colors ~ indigo, cobalt and various shades of blue ~ that often appear in their aura.  The aura is the energy field around the physical body that usually extends out at least several feet and that has many different layers or bands of color. Each color vibrates at a different frequency and is associated with certain qualities.  Indigo, cobalt and blue are thought to vibrate at a higher frequency than certain other colors.

Although studies have shown that many Indigo individuals often do have the indigo, cobalt and blue colors in their auric field, some persons exhibit all of the traits and characteristics of an Indigo and, yet, have no or very little of these colors present in their aura.  Instead, they often have a very expansive and very bright gold, yellow, violet and/or white aura.  In these cases, it is thought by some that the Indigo individual has awakened to their full potential or transitted to Crystal.

Hence, a prevalence of the indigo, cobalt or blue color in a person's aura does not automatically mean that such a person is Indigo.  Nor does the absence of these colors in the auric field mean that the person is not an Indigo. 

It is also important to note that a person's energy field reflects their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state or condition at a given time and, thus, their aura can and does change.   It can expand or contract, become brighter or darker or change shape.  The layers or bands may also become narrower or wider and the colors within each band may change. 

Interestingly, it has been found that the aura generally expands and becomes brighter directly following some type of spiritual activity or healing session  ~ such as prayer, meditation, chakra clearing and balancing, and etc.

I had personally witnessed this in a workshop where "before" and "after" aura photographs were taken of the participants.  The workshop included guided meditation and visualization exercises.  In every case, the "after" photographs of my fellow participants revealed not only a larger and brighter auric field, but also more violet, indigo and blue color in their auras.

In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Indigo Soul:  The Adult or Elder Role in the Dawning of a New Age
Indigo Adults and Elders:  Personality Traits and Characteristics

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Indigo Adults and Elders: Personality Traits and Characteristics

The people who we refer to as Indigo Adults or Elders are Old Souls who started incarnating on Earth from about the mid 1950s.  Their purpose is to assist in the Ascension of the Earth and Humanity.  They are considered to be the first group in the next significant human evolutionary process because they are "wired" differently.  This article explores the unique combination of the hallmark traits and characteristics that define the Indigo personality.

1.  Extraordinary Sensitivity.  Indigo Adults and Elders are extraordinarily sensitive in every aspect:  emotionally, physically and mentally.   On the emotional level, they are very empathic and compassionate.  They are prone to over-react emotionally, although they can be very adept at shielding, i.e., hiding their emotions.  On the physical level, they are very sensitive and responsive to touch, light, odors, changes in temperatures and so on due to their highly developed senses.  On a mental level, they are very sensitive to the nuances, subtle meaning and intent of the information that comes their way. 

2.  Natural Intelligence.  Indigo Adults and Elders have an innate, natural intelligence.  They process new information very quickly and are highly inquisitive ~ always needing to know the particulars of why, how, who and where.  Although they often reject and/or do not get the highest marks in the formal education system, the quest for knowledge, knowledge itself and life-long learning is of upmost importance to them.  They are voracious readers (often reading at least several books, magazines, periodicals, etc. at one time) and deep thinkers.  They do not just accept information ~ they question, evaluate and then decide for themselves.  They are usually not tolerant of deliberate stupidity.

3.  Highly Intuitive, Often Psychic.  Indigo Adults and Elders are intrinsically and precociously intuitive, perceptive and insightful.  They are able to instinctively and quickly discern people, situations, matters and things through their highly developed senses.  Many are naturally psychic, clairvoyant, clairsentient and second-sighted.   Many operate and act on the basis of intuition, perception and second-sightedness ~ whether they are fully aware of it or not.  This is because for them ~ this occurs automatically, effortlessly and spontaneously.  Most have had some type of psychic or paranormal contact or experience early on in life and many have repeated and recurring psychic experiences.

4.  Ardently Independent.  Indigo Adults and Elders are fiercely independent and sanction individual rights and freedoms. They rebel against and/or reject most, if not all, man-created systems (caste, class and others) that are designed to subordinate, control and manipulate the masses.  They often take issue with any authoritative system or structure (whether governmental, institutional, organizational, religious or other) that seeks to restrain, dominate, repress or exert power over individuals.  They are not followers and, hence, generally do not do well in service-oriented occupations, prefering instead to be self-employed or in leadership positions.  Socially and at home, they are often uncomfortable with (or outright reject) the mainstream lifestyle.

5.  Deep Interest in Spirituality, Religion, Philosophy, Esoterical Knowledge.  Indigo Elders and Adults have an intense interest in spirituality, religion, philosophy, the occult and paranormal, metaphysics, alchemy, astrology, numerology, arcane mysteries and esoterical knowledge.  For most, this interest began at a young age and culminates into a heartfelt passion later in life.  Many have a profound feeling of needing to find their purpose, change the world, make a difference or create something worthwhile.  Until they find their purpose and method of self-expression, they feel frustrated and restless.  Ultimately, self-expression of their purpose is somehow achieved through spirituality, religion, metaphysics or the like.  Many awakened Indigo Adults and Elders are on the path of Ascension through Lightbody Activation and are Lightworkers

In Love & Light,
Related Articles: Indigo Soul: The Adult or Elder Role in the Dawning of a New Age

Friday, December 30, 2011

Indigo Soul: The Adult or Elder Role in the Dawning of a New Age

You may have heard of Indigo children.  You may have heard that they are somehow very different.  While a relatively good amount of attention has recently been given to Indigo (as well as Crystal) children, not much is really known or published about Indigo Adults or Elders.  Perhaps this is due to the fact that even though Indigo Adults and Elders have been here for decades, they themselves have not realized who or what they are.  As more Indigo Elders and Adults "awake", there is more interest and speculation about their nature and purpose here on Planet Earth.

And, there are more questions:  Who are these Indigo Elders, Adults and Children?  Do they really exist?   Are they really different?  How are they different?  What unique traits do they possess?  Why are they here?  Am I one of them?  Is the person who I love one of them?

I am an Indigo Elder, born in 1962, and this Article is the first of several that I plan to write on the subject in the hope of reaching others who have incarnated as Indigo Elders and are searching for answers.

Presently, we are nearing the end of the Piscean Age and transiting into the Aquarius Age.  Among the experts, there are differences of opinion, debates and discussions as to when the Aquarius Age will actually begin.  From my perspective, the actual date or even the actual year does not matter because I am seeing it in the larger scheme of things, and because I feel that a New Age, with all of its shifts and tremendous changes, is nearly upon us. 

Like many other Indigo Elders, what I do see is a world that is rapidly changing on all fronts and the rate of change is significantly accelerating as we approach the New Age.  In order to "see" the changes that are coming, all one has to do is take an interest in global social trends, environmental events, economics and politics.  Anyone can "see" if they only pay attention.  However, Indigos were born with this knowledge.

This mention of our evolving world is very simplistic but extremely important when discussing Indigos because it is the very reason why they are here.  Indigo Elders were incarnated on Earth to assist in the transformation, or the "great shift" as some call it.  They are among the first on the path of human evolution that is beginning to take place.  Indigos are remarkably intuitive, extraordinarily sensitive and exceptionally emotionally intense.  They possess insights, understandings and knowledge of the world and humanity at the deepest levels.  They are fiercely independent, resist authority and separate themselves from "the herd".

The life path of an Indigo Elder is a not always an easy one.  Indigos are often gravely misunderstood, ostracized or even outright rejected.  Their actions and ideas are often criticized and spurned.  Some Indigo Elders themselves do not understand why they feel so different and many experience a crisis when they "awaken" and/or during the transition to Crystal.

However, the Indigo Elder is a beautiful, loving, compassionate Old Soul and the awakened Elder or Adult is usually on the path of Ascension through the process of Lightbody Activation.  Many Indigo Elders carry out their mission on Earth through Lightwork.

In Love & Light,

Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret: Receiving

The individuals who are using the Law of Attraction understand that there are three basic steps:  Ask, Believe, Receive.  At first glance, the Asking and Believing portions appear to perhaps require some secret knowledge and possibly some effort, but the act of Receiving seems rather apparent and effortless.  So, why, after an individual has discovered how the Law of Attraction works in practice and has done "all of the right things" in the Asking and Believing steps, is he or she still not Receiving? 

Is the act of Receiving a proactive or passive step?  Some individuals ascribe to the notion that once you have determined and expressed your wants and desires and have mastered the art of believing by adopting and maintaining a positive attitude and outlook, that all you have to do now is to wait to Receive ~ i.e., the dormant stage of waiting for the "Universe to provide".  Others assert that you must make certain that you are ready, willing and able to Receive and specify various rules for how to allow for the event to occur. 

In my view, Receiving is very proactive and a part of the process that can be greatly expedited.  That is, assuming that you have a clear vision of your desire and have been able to raise, align and maintain your personal vibrational frequency.  I can write this with absolute confidence because I know from decades of personal experience that "it" works.

What is this "it" and why am I not calling it a "technique", "method", "system" or "task"?  Because "it" is not something that one does out of obligation or for self-serving purposes.  Nor is "it" a gimmick or a trick.  This "it" is done with an open heart, a genuine interest and concern and a deep desire to contribute in a selfless manner.

This "it" is called "Giving".  Giving can take many forms.  It can be monetary and, if you are aware and enlightened, then you know that it is usually the people who have the least amount of money that are the ones who give the most of what little they do have to others who are in greater need of it.  To that you may think or say "so why is the Law of Attraction not working for them, why are they still in poverty?"  The answer is that such a person does not desire money above all else and is blessed in other ways ~ why else would such person voluntarily give away what little they do have?

Other than money, there is the gift of yourself ~ your time (we are all so busy these days!), your understanding, empathy and compassion, your insights and knowledge and your love, respect and goodwill toward all that is alive and living, including the animals, the plants and the planet.

Each of us has something of great value to give.  If you would like to Receive, then you must Give.  And, following the Universal laws and rules, the more that you do Give (willingly, happily and selflessly) ... the more you will Receive.

The decision of what and how much to Give is strictly personal and may require some practice.  If you are not used to Giving, then begin with small things or acts.  At first, you may feel trepidatious and struggle with feelings of loss, but once and over time that you experience the act of Giving, you will come to know and feel an elation, an exhilaration that will so greatly increase your personal vibrational frequency to such high levels ... that the Universe will, indeed, respond.

There is an old and tried adage:  "what comes around, goes around." 
In Light & Love,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret:  Asking
Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret:  Believing

Law of Attraction (Part II) - The Real Secret: Believing

There are three steps to the Law of Attraction:  Ask, Believe, Receive.  It sounds very simple, and yet when it comes to actually putting the steps into practice, many people have difficulties, leaving them wondering what the "real secret" is.  This is evidenced by all of the online and local study groups, endless books of instruction and various products that are on the market to assist one in making it work.  To me, the Law of Attraction is as simple as it sounds.  In an earlier post, I covered the first step ~ Asking.  In this post, I will discuss my personal approach to the second step: Believing.

About Staying in the Positive At All Times ...

Many people are under the impression that in order for the Law of Attraction to work, they must stay in a positive frame of mind at all times.  In my view, this is a really high bar to set for oneself and, in doing so, the individual sets himself or herself up for perceived or actual failure.  We live in an economically, socially, politically, environmentally and spiritually fast-paced, challenged and troubled world.  There are many things that touch our lives every day that are beyond the scope of our control and that affect our thoughts which, in turn, shape our feelings. 

No matter how conscientious one is about maintaining positive thoughts constantly, the negative thought (and associated feeling) will inevitably creep in.  When it does, the individual may become worried, stressed-out or even fearful that they will manifest negative things as a result of this negative thought.  It is this worry, stress and fear that will attract negative things if it is allowed to linger, persist or fester, not the (ideally "fleeting") negative thought itself.

It is important to realize this and, when a negative thought occurs, not to dwell on it and not to chastise yourself for it.  It is this dwelling and punishing oneself that gives the negative thought its power.  Accept the fact that it has happened, that you cannot take it back and it is already part of the irretrievable past. 

But more importantly do not think of being required to have perfectly positive thoughts at all times in the first place!  You are human and part of the true beauty of being human is being imperfect.  Even the most spiritually evolved individuals have negative thoughts.

Gratitude, mantras and affirmations are widely suggested to help one stay on a positive course.  These are all very effective techniques, but I believe the most potent approach involves developing and maintaining a healthy amount of self-esteem, self-love and acceptance, and confidence.   Feeling good about yourself automatically raises your vibrational energy which radiates out through your aura field.  An energy vibrating at a higher, "lighter" and more positive frequency naturally attracts similarly higher and more positive energies ~ which translates into the actual manifestation of one's wishes and desires.

Persons who, at their core, do not really feel good about themselves and who suffer from low self-esteem, self-doubts or a lack self-respect, invariably and quite unintentionally send out a dense, dispirited and negative vibrational energy.  Although various techniques and aids may temporarily raise the vibrational energy of such a person, if the individual does not have a good, solid foundation of self-worth and self-regard, such higher vibrational episodes are tentative, difficult to sustain and take much effort. 

The goal is for the higher vibrational energy to be an automatic, naturally occuring, and an ongoing experience.  And, the way to get there is to develop a strong, healthy sense of self-purpose and self-assuredness.  One of the easiest things one can do in this regard is to simply take better care of themselves - eating healthfully, exercising regularly, getting enough rest and sleep and enjoying themselves.  Laughter is, after all, the best medicine!

For some, the process may involve healing past or recent emotional wounds and this should be addressed as a top priority.  The person who suffers from depression, despondency or pessimism, or who lives with fear, a substance addiction, a heavy heart, a burdened soul or an injured inner child, will find the Law of Attraction laborious and difficult.   Aside from seeking appropriate help, making a concerted effort to care for oneself on both the physical and emotional level helps in the healing process, strengthens the individual and empowers the principles of the laws of positive attraction. 
In Love & Light,
Related Articles:
Law of Attraction (Part I) - The Real Secret:  Asking
Law of Attraction (Part III) - The Real Secret:  Receiving